Electric scooter!

I saw my first one today:) It was silver and looked like a little vespa. It could only go 50…

any idea where to buy electric scooters? They must be pricey!

Saw some great scooters – narrower bodies, bit more like a motorcycle in style – back home in September. They were going for under CDN$1,500. Back home, they’re classified as electric bikes, and therefore require neither insurance nor a motorcycle license.

I was thinking, damn, why do I have to go home to get one of these things?

Yeah, it’s crazy but then Taiwan doesn’t make sense much of the time anyway.

[quote=“Jaboney”]Saw some great scooters – narrower bodies, bit more like a motorcycle in style – back home in September. They were going for under CDN$1,500. Back home, they’re classified as electric bikes, and therefore require neither insurance nor a motorcycle license.

I was thinking, damn, why do I have to go home to get one of these things?[/quote]

Certain electric forms of scooters in Taiwan do need to be licensed.

My mother-in-law had an electric scooter back in around 1999. She used to park it in the B1 and plug it into the wall socket. It looked like a regular small size scooter. Not sure how fast it went but it got her around Taipei for her daily commuting. It was real funny as it made no noise as compared to a buzzing little scooter.

And I also remember just before Chen Shiu-bian was elected Taipei Mayor for the last time, he did some campaigning and a bunch of his supporters following him around the streets had electric scooters and they were promoting how the electric scooter is the way to go and Mr Chen wil clean up the environment. Well that is what my work colleagues told me as the group went past our building.

But I guess they never really caught on, and he didn’t seem to promote them as president…

I had the contact info of the factories -mostly Taiwanese investors in PRC- as one of my cousin’s was interested in importing them. Actually, some are as powerful as the normal “gas” ones.

There was some news regarding government incentives to purchase the electric scooters recently. At least in my country they are tax-free.