Electronics shops in Tainan

Where can I find a shop that sells electronics components in Tainan? In particular I am interested in small solar panels, that I will assemble by myself.
Another item I am interested in is LED lamps that work with 220V too, but that is a secondary issue since I found them in some 24hours shop (not many models to choose among, though)

Where are the electronics markets, electronics buildings, or electronic streets in Tainan?

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There is an electronics market shopping area just south of Tainan train station with computers, computer supplies, camera shops, game shops, a few phone shops

  • Rainbow Plaza building and surrounding area, No. 250, Section 1, Beimen Road, East District, Tainan, https://maps.google.com/?cid=16305067270359578234
  • First stop is probably second floor of Rainbow Plaza that has a little bit of everything and a lot of some things, huge variety of headphones and Bluetooth headphones for example
  • The area has probably seen better days but it is what it is