Elephant ears / funnel cake




As far as Chinese breakfasts go, I’m definitely more in the 燒餅 camp. Especially egg sammich style. 蔥抓餅 also very much my sheit.

More on the subject, I have to wonder why OP is craving funnel cake. It isn’t even county fair season in 'murica at this time.

I love funnel cake. I look forward to one every year at the Texas state fair.

There’s a stand across the street from the Zhongli train station that is really popular for their 蔥抓餅.

I’m a sucker for a good crispy 蛋餅. There’s a shop in Zhong Yuan that makes the best!

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Man I don’t think I’ve ever made it out to Zhongli. What’s out there?

Honestly, not a whole lot. Especially since you’re already in Taipei. Nothing you can’t already get there. Used to have a Chipotle-style burrito bar where I could get my taco fix, but the owner wanted to sell last December and didn’t get any takers. So they unfortunately closed it.

There’s a good ramen shop called The Ramen Bar, which is really popular. And a small bar called Hop-In which has quite a good selection of beers.

Also used to have another Mexican restaurant, opened by the Lamigo Monkeys owner, that had a delicious horchato. But, they completely changed their menu and it no longer has Mexican dishes.

There are a few hole-in-the wall mom and pop joints that have some specialties, like the 蛋餅 place.

Oh, 88 Burger has these really good “chicken balls” made from breast meat. Basically big chicken nuggets, but they are great! I think it’s the fact that they use breast meat why I like them so much.

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Absolutely. That was this morning’s shovel, in fact, with bacon and scrambled eggs :yum:

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I can’t help but imagine I’m walking through the fairgrounds whenever I smell stinky tofu. I think Taiwanese people would feel so at ease at our fairs.

Canada Day. Hakka Cultural Park. the stand closer to the river.

Number one, that Costco calls them churros does not truly make them so.

Number two… @Rocket has spoken.

Number 3, we are looking for the fresh stuff, the good stuff. The burn the ceiling of your mounth but keep on eating stuff.

I haven’t been to a night market in ages. but they used to roast/grill sugar cane over coals, and the burning sugar smelled maddeningly similar to KC-style barbecue, it used to drive me nuts.

One of my favorites. Cut in half and insert sliced cucumber, 甜麵醬 and a slab of 東坡肉. Starting to salivate…

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Make your own.
Can’t be all that hard, even in a tiny Taiwanese style kitchen.
powdered sugar
baking powder
pot to deep fry in

You are good to go

As far as youtiao goes…I always feel like I am eating a stick of oil. When it is fresh and hot, it is good for a few bites…but as soon as it cools off…yuck. oily, soggy disgusting

I think the flour in Taiwan won’t taste the same or have the same texture. Idk why its like that with a lot of things I try to make.

When you want something done right…
Pillowes Elephant Ears, coming soon to a vending stand near you.

Plenty of imported flour options. Even Gold Medal Flour non bleached at Jason’s.

Memphis style is where it’s at, brocyon.

Speaking of BBQ…now that’s a down home craving I can’t ever seem to satisfy here.

Ed’s Diner

ED’s Diner美式BBQ燒烤餐館
No. 216號, Lequn 2nd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, 10491
02 8502 6969


There are some reviews and threads about a few places like Baba Kevin’s, Franks, Eds… I’m still looking for some review or to visit Tony’s BBQ Smokehouse in Neihu.