Elon Musk's Magnificent Rebranding of Twitter

I wasn’t talking about the clip. I was reading a news feed. I tried to dl and save a picture and a window popped open wanting access to my iPhone pics.

Nooooo thanks. Deleting the app now. :laughing:


I got a dummy X account, Denied all permissions when first set up.
go into your smartphone’s App management under Settings

He is basically saying that he thinks us needs to surrender Taiwan as it’s not defendable. He also paints himself as a china expert

He is clearly over-leveraged in China and completely compromised. See also the screenshot from Barri Weiss. He censors anti China content

I honestly think there should be questions about whether someone like that should be able to command what is basically infrastructure, with Tesla or Twitter

Questions like that go way back, after 911 it was Democrats more than anyone else who were raising the alarm and potential abuse for control, censorship and information warfare, but discussions about free speech were going on for decades prior to that.

Musk upset the "advocacy journalism” groups by promising free speech which would involve less banning and censoring of anyone going against the establishment narratives of the day.

I dont see those who bring up the question wrt Musk asking or caring about Zuckerberg at Facebook or Tim Apple over at ummm Apple. Is a Telsa more or less a national security infrastructure issue than an iphone made in China?


Did you read the stuff from Barri Weiss ?

I did.

He told her to avoid criticizing China

Yeah we can always find something we hate from anyone in the public eye long enough we think is stupid, ill informed, immoral usually a long list of them in fact. Everyone. No one can pass that purity test.

Although for me living in Taiwan I can give extra weight to his China comments as particularly gross but can equally disregard them as idiotic and a suck up to the powers that be in China.

He said there were two sides to the story via Xinjiang, he is a denier of what is happening there(I dont like to use the word genocide as not sure totally applicable, but it is a heart-breaking atrocity)


You already asked if I had read his comments and I told you I had, you then persisted with his comments to Barri Weiss which I told you what I thought. Now we are onto his comments on Xinjiang which I think sound gross too.

What are we doing here? I am making it aboundently clear I not only dont share his comments regarding China I find them abhorrent and gross, I’m not sure what else you are trying to beat out of me.

You say Musk’s recent comment on anything China related is gross, yet the second quote seems to imply that you feel because everyone fails in the purity test, Musk is just like everyone else.

It’s one thing for a public figure to be caught cheating, not paying their fair share, or abusing their fame and status, but definitely taking things to a different level when someone is willing to whitewash literal genocide in East Turkestan as “there were two sides to the story”. Maybe @OrangeOrganics is just trying to get you to see one cannot simply get back to “just like everyone else” from denying genocide.

Although ultimately, whether you think Musk is abominable isn’t what’s import to here. I want to know what Musk’s angle is here. He was really gaining a lot of praise when he criticized Putin’s invasion of Ukraine almost 2 years ago, and even more lauded when he offered Star Link’s services to Ukraine. If he is really just making decisions based on what would benefit him and his companies without regards to morality, one would think having the image of the real life Tony Stark would benefit his venture into social media and his car company. How would coming out as a Putin and China shill now of all times benefit Musk, his image, or his companies?


Yeah exactly, if you shine enough light at any public figure, you will find some dirt, especially in business. But Musk is positively filthy from a distance and seems to go out of his way to prove it. Nobody asked him to publicly suggest the US government gives up Taiwan and he is clearly an atrocity denier. This isnt Arnold sleeping with his maid or a politician going blackface at a party when he was 18

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You demand conformity, its not enough for me to denounce his opinions, you demand I conform to denounce Musk as a human being.

How did we get here? I would say its because he dared to push back against the establishments wishes to enforce conformity through censorship.

So here we are, the powers that be and the ever compliment media diging for instances of “Musk man bad” and by extension those picking up on the hive mind looking to attack anyone who wont denouce Musk at a psrsonal level, dehumanizing him as you seem to now be doing to me.


Meh, a lot of hubbub over nothing here. A clip with no context where he explains China’s position and outlines the strategic situation, all 100% accurately. Yawn! There’s basically endless numbers of people who will not pass any opportunity to crap on Musk, as is shown again and again.


I don’t think the media had to do much “digging” to get Musk’s opinions on China. I’m pretty sure he offered his pearls of wisdom without anything eliciting of his opinions on Taiwan or East Turkestan.

I merely seek internal consistency from anyone speaking or doing anything.

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Elon musk could livestream himself gassing cats while dressed up as an SS officer at this point, and there would still be people defending him and saying that it’s just his enemies obsessed with attacking him

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Thats the stuff, I denounce his comments over and over as abhorrent and gross. You reply with the most ludicrous example of you describing Musk as a Nazi (gosh how original) but not just any Nazi a SS officer (a super duper bad nazi) who is gassing cats and you complain people would be defending him. What a strawman

Your rhetoric has devolved into absurdity, good luck being an eforcer of thought control for the ever more authoritarian state, you have more in common with a good citizen of China than you ever know, hopefully you will be able to check yourself before you squeal on non conformers familly and “friends” like we saw during state dictates in the coronavirus period.


Some people hate Musk so much that they commit arson with random Tesla’s.

Tell me when he does and we’ll see! Right now it’s just you blathering about nothing.


He could also dress as Santa and give steak dinners and handjobs to homeless people and someone would find fault with that. Guy can’t win

Steak is killing the planet!

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