Elon Musk's Magnificent Rebranding of Twitter

Yeah I would give him praise for that

Less so for CCP shilling and atrocity denial

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Disappointing to see a Taiwanese government agency get so pissy about Musk stating a couple of obvious truths about China/Taiwan (not to mention not wanting to get himself involved in a war in Ukraine for services he was freely providing for its benefit). I get they have to do their propaganda too, but this kind of statement isn’t well designed to ensure long-term support.

I fail to see where being an integral part of china is an ‘obvious truth’.

You’re ignoring that he said that it is China’s position. That is an obvious truth.

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I didn’t see that part in the screenshot.

I’m talking about the podcast clip where he starts by saying “I understand China”. Is there another statement in question?

Disappointing to see so many foreigners in Taiwan defending this piece of shit.

And who needs his support?

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If you don’t like facts, I can’t help you.

“From their standpoint, it may be analogous to Hawaii”



The subtext of what he is saying is that it’s better for US to give up Taiwan U.S. not defendable

That he is opining on this on the back of other pro CCP stances and that he censors anti China speech says a lot about the game he is playing

His site is full of anti-China speech.

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His site is totally open to anything you want to say about China as far as I can tell. I’ve commented on this potential problem several times above, but it’s not an issue at present to the best of my knowledge.

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He censored the Twitter Files, as it says above,

The thing about authoritarianism is that the more people push back at the dictates of the authoritarians, the more the need to increase the authoritarianism as a form of control.

We have been witnessing that more and more, its no coincidence posters like @gain who would have been happy to see anti vaxxers locked up, fired, have their children confiscated is the most anti Musk poster on this forum frequently wishing death upon him in a variety of gruesome ways. He’ll be the first to line up behind the establishments next dictate too.


They were his files. He didn’t have to say anything. What he did reveal was very interesting and unlikely to be done by any similar corporate entity.

Yes Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia
