Elon Musk's Magnificent Rebranding of Twitter

Feels like the left are more bombs away than the right, though neocons control most of both sides of the aisle.

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Well, almost everyone. There’s certainly outliers within the GOP, even if they are the exception not the rule. One of them is the leader and spiritual figurehead of one of the major U.S. political parties and occupied the oval office for four years.

Senator Rand Paul single-handedly holds up $40bn US aid for Ukraine | US Senate | The Guardian

Marjorie Taylor Greene told to stop ‘repeating Putin’s propaganda’ after she speaks out against Ukraine aid | The Independent
Pro-Putin Republicans break ranks by heaping praise on Kremlin | Financial Times (ft.com)
Trump again praises Putin moments before Russia launches invasion of Ukraine (yahoo.com)

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Being labeled a Russian apologist or a Putin lover is as many have pointed out the immediate response to any pushback that escalating a war with Russia is a bad idea.

Those who pointed out the establishments wish of a no fly zone in Syria way back in 2016, which seemed like common sense to me.


Well, they just trashed her as a Russian apologist, so virtually no one dares speak out anymore.


Gabbard made her own bed I’m afraid far beyond simply being against escalating a war with Russia.

Army Officer Tulsi Gabbard Faces Ire for Peddling Russian Disinformation About Ukraine Biolabs | Military.com
Tulsi Gabbard’s Biggest Political Donor In 2021 Is A Putin Apologist (forbes.com)
Tulsi Gabbard reveals she met Assad in Syria, without informing top Democrats | Democrats | The Guardian
Checks & Imbalances: Gabbard’s Pro-Putin Patron, Russian Oligarch Indicted (forbes.com)

She’s been on the wrong team, one of the few things ‘both sides’ can agree on. She predictably defaulted to the ‘I’m a victim of media’ game, much like Cawthorn. For, um, very different reasons. :slight_smile:


I understand that is the opinion floating around in the MSM, but with all due respect, over the period of years I think it’s been shown those that live in the MSM bubble are unable to take facts and process them independently and come to sensible conclusions on their own, the Hunter Biden laptop is one of a long list that should have raised suspicions very early on that it was likely real.

I can actually give a long list of examples where the MSM set out to deceive. But I will leave that to the politics forums.


This is the typical retort when the tables have turned and right wingers actually have to defend their own ideas. Instead you’d rather complain about woke then defend Trump/Tucker/MTG kowtowing to Putin. The difference is leftist crazies are on the fringe. Right wing crazies run the party.

“You live in a bubble and can’t form opinions of your own.” How about we approach this from mutual respect and assume everyone is intelligent enough to form their own ideas?

I’m not a right winger, I have told you that many times, the irony of you calling for posting with respect when you do no such thing yourself is rich.

Like I said, I will leave it to the politics forums, others using these forums don’t like to see the political bickering.

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Funny thing is a lot of these are buzzwords to scare Right wingers and not actual policies.

Critical Race Theory - A legal theory and not a platform of the DNC

Open Borders - Explain this? Only thing I’ve ever seen is that Hillary made a comment about movement of labor and that was spun into no restrictions. Obama was deporter in chief

Build Back Better - that’s still going on with the infrastructure bill that was passed. This took over from the green new deal.

Reparations - not a platform of the DNC

Universal basic income - Andrew Yang? Ok.

All your showing is that the democrats allow for a diversity of ideas and a forum for debate. How about universal healthcare? Fair wages? Addressing income inequality?

Since you were able to list so many ideas, how about some from the Right? I’m having a hard time coming up with anything other than trickle down economics and owning the libs. If all Republicans stand for is limiting government, then what do they need to be the majority for anyway? They just limit government and then what? Do nothing and collect a check? After all government should do as little as possible right? Republicans are much better suited to being the party of opposition. When they get in power they don’t know what to do with themselves.

I’d suggest Republicans standing for something other than just opposing the other side.

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I don’t think any of us live in a bubble. However you wish to label yourself.

I have no label, nor do I wish others to assign one.

Thank you and enjoy your day,


Elton reveals his ideal world:

How do you become the richest man in the world? In Elon Musk’s case, part of it involves making workers in China put in hours that would be unacceptable according to labor norms elsewhere.
On Tuesday, the Tesla boss praised Chinese factory workers for pulling extreme hours while taking a shot at American workers. “There is just a lot of super talented hardworking people in China who strongly believe in manufacturing,” the billionaire said. “They won’t just be burning the midnight oil, they will be burning the 3am oil, they won’t even leave the factory type of thing, whereas in America people are trying to avoid going to work at all.”
Musk’s comment comes as Tesla’s massive Shanghai “Giga-factory” pushes its workers to the limit to meet production targets amid an ongoing pandemic lockdown.
In April, Tesla restricted its Shanghai workers from leaving the factory under a so-called “closed-loop” system originally developed by Chinese authorities to contain Beijing Olympics participants. While locked inside, the workers were reportedly made to work 12-hour shifts, six days in a row, and to sleep on factory floors. Production at the plant was forced to halt this week due to parts shortages, the company said.


He is just another wealthy libertarian type who grew up from privilege


If you have to stay until 3am, you’re doing something wrong. Work smarter not harder.

I think he’s kinda saying the quiet part out loud here. So far as I know Tesla factories aren’t any worse than average in China, generally speaking. Anyone buying stuff made in Chinese factories – i.e. all of us – is supporting that system. We like cheap stuff and we don’t think too much about how it got so cheap.

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I think when people’s kids come home with an essay on why white people are evil, they start to care a little more. One of my friends who was libertarian-minded in college but took a hard left turn when he married his wife recently told me that his 7-year old daughter who had been a typical girl up until that point, had a 1-week unannounced “trans week” education in school and proclaimed that she was a boy. My friend told me “You, know, I’m starting to understand what the right wingers are saying about this.” So I think people start to give a shit when it affects them personally, and it’s affecting a lot more people personally as the left has brought culture war into every aspect of American life.


I dont like the excesses of culture war stuff, but it is happening on both sides with the recent abortion stuff. Everyone can see that the ulta-progressives are very unreasonable and have an autocratic bent, but so much of this stuff only exists on social media.

Most people are in the middle, and much of the culture war is an illusion.


Its also reasonable to learn about Trans stuff in schools these days, society has changed. The Education system should reflect that.

I like to think of it like the cliche scene from a movie where 2 people are caught by the bad guys and stuck in a situation where escape seems impossible. Then the 2 people start to bicker, blaming each other. They start to fight and meanwhile the Bad guys are taken aback, and just stand their watching in disbelief and amusement. Then suddenly, Amidst the 2 throwing punches, one of them ducks and the punch lands against the Bad guys, knocking one of them out. Upon realizing the 2 have achieved the upper hand, they fight a bit more and are free.

That’s the US. An internal struggle, a distraction, and while the world watches two sides duke it out, it’s when one side ducks and the punch lands on China or Russia. When two sides are so divided that people start voting in record numbers, it’s ok because all the government wanted is an up to date database of people that can be drafted for War.

Another example of the “Bickering Distraction” from Indiana Jones:


I cant remember which book I read, but he blamed the lack of direction for the country after the Berlin Wall suddenly fell. The Cold War created unity in a shared goal, between Manhattan and rural Kansas.

Im not American though, so what do I know?

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“Learning about” and being indoctrinated in are nuances that elude the leftist world view.