Elon Musk's Magnificent Rebranding of Twitter

Yeah indoctrination is not ok but I think Trans Awarenes Week is a positive thing, probably helps a lot of kids going through a lot.



This is bringing the culture war to people, and a lot of people, even lefties, don’t like it. There is no reason at all for the government to talk to young kids about trans ideology.

We have a difference of opinion on this matter.

See this is what happens with a lot of ‘freedom of speech’ issues. You just dont like this speech and see it as ‘ideology’. The ‘left’ and the ‘right’ are two sides of the same coin.

While at the same time, us in the center aint got time for this shit. We are just enjoying rum-based cocktails at the pool, served by waitresses who used to be men.

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I thought that was now considered highly offensive? They didn’t use to be men, their gender was wrongly assigned at birth.

Yeah we are open to all types of shit, whatever makes people happy and the drinks keep flowing.

I would hazard that most of the arguments in IP suffer from infinite regress. This could be compounded by limited knowledge of political and social theory, wilful ignorance of valid points due to partisanship.

The fact that labels of being ‘liberal’, ‘leftist’, ‘conservative’ are never interrpgated beyond claims rather than actual practice compunds this. Indeed, I suspect the misapplication of labels could be a way of muddying the waters.


Teachers don’t have the same freedom of speech in the classroom that they have outside of it, and it’s a bit ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

No, the left has moved way left, and has made engaging in culture war a main goal. When someone raises their hands and say they don’t like having everything being politicized, they shout them down, label them right wing, and accuse them of making everything into a culture war.

Yeah, until the school teaches your kid that s/he may be trans at age 5. And the state tells you that it is illegal to tell them they’re actually a boy or girl.

Yeah it seems with the eco

But you want the curriculum to reflect your morality and not that of others. Its basically the same thing. You would probably be ok with kids being taught Christian values or abouy marriage heterosexual marriages.

You see Trans as an ideology and an immoral one, whereas others dont.

See the left and the right are the same, you both want to shut down speech.

While the rest of us just want to crush some cold beers and work on our pectoral definition for the summer months.


To the extent that any morality is in class, I’d rather we focus on shared moral beliefs, not radical outliers.

No, which you’d realize if you didn’t keep projecting opinions on to me.

I see it more as factually and scientifically inaccurate. Let the schools focus on reading, writing, math, science, and history, and keep any talk of sex out of it unless related to an anatomy course.

No, they are not. The left wants to shut down free speech and use government to promote radical ideologies. The right has different wings now, so I’m not sure they have a unified view of the issue, but advocating for free speech will certainly get you labeled as right wing.

That’s like your opinion and stuff though.

Anyway you want to control what’s taught in schools to match your belief system, the far left want to control speech on Twitter.

The rest of us don’t care

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Furries are àlso a part of society now. By this logic the education system should therefore reflect furry identities.

Its all about being reasonable. Furries is more a kink right?

I think the spirit of Trans awarness week is that trans people grow up with a lot of psychological issues that manifest in later life, including rejection from society. As society changes and we become more accepting, just want to avoid the mistakes of the past and create a more empathetic world for trans people growing up now.

If there is indoctrination, then thats not ok. But this shouldnt be political.

Oh, the horror!

Deal is on hold.

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I liked it better when Musk would be mostly invisible and then appear and tell his workers to work harder and we’ll shoot a car into space on your lunch break.

(I don’t know what my point is either)

They don’t elude us, but we are insulted when we’re told we can’t figure out nuances.

Put otherwise: don’t treat us like fools. :slightly_smiling_face:


370-ish posts later—with all the usual crazy twists and turns in the discussion.


Oh my goodness, who could have seen that coming? Musk is (once again) full of hot air? It can’t be so…

Yet people still won’t give up riding the guy I am sure, and they will continue (slavishly) to “have faith in” his larger-than-life persona

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I’m merely responding in kind to leftists’ claim that we rightists want to shut down free speech and the freedom to teach in schools.

Speaking for myself I fully support the right of teachers to teach about anything at all and letting students decide for themselves where the truth lies. Where I draw the line is when teachers cross the line by trying to enforce what students are to believe is true. That’s indoctrination in a party line and it’s unacceptable in a free society. I see no evidence in the comments here that left-leaning posters understand that difference in practice,