Elon Musk's Magnificent Rebranding of Twitter

I like Sam Harris. I like when he speaks about meditation.

I also liked Twitter the last few years when it wasnt a political shit show. Yeah, there probably was some bias, but it wasnt all Asexual San francisco vegans bringing down the patriarchy, in fact those people are way on the margins.

I can see me getting bored of if it it turns into a massive left vs right shit show, and im probably not the only one.

It wasn’t?

When Trump was on there for a bit. The good part of Twitter is the actual conversations between experts, academics, comedians and sport stuff.

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I like how you can basically curate it to see what you want.


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Yeah best is if you make lists for different topics. I like Twitter a lot actually

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I’ll take a look at that. I can see how it would be useful.

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It’s been that way as long as I’ve been using it…I think I started in 2014.

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How do you do that? It gives me random feeds that are quite depressing.


Click on the starburst at the top and set to “Latest Tweets.” That’ll give you just tweets from the people you follow.


Following who you like and muting who you like. When people you follow like or respond to things, you may get anything though.

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it’s Twitter… everyone looks at the @name, because everyone knows you can change the name to show whatever at anytime.


You give the average user way too much credit.

Well, for those of us who don’t sign up but like to browse certain peoples tweets, we were getting an annoying pop up telling us to log in every couple of minutes, seems that is gone so that’s a plus.

Other than that, no change from my perspective.

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no, it’s just the way Twitter works. yea, there are idiots that don’t get it, but @name is so associated with Twitter,.and changing display name so common, that a different display name with a normal @name for an account with 2M followers as ‘impersonation’ is fucking laughable.

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So you’re saying the anti-impersonation rule is like traffic safety laws in Taiwan?

the impersonation rule is fine. how it’s being interpreted by Twitter mods is ridiculous. Next, they’re going to not let people call each other dude or bro.

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With the ultimate dudebro in charge? Please…

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https://twitter.com/karaswisher/status/1595498857256914947?s=46&t=YMtNKF3AVWQmz5QK9HmJ5Q Juicy