Emoji requests

Have some tea… or coffee, or whatever the :crazy_face: that stuff is. Then you should feel, uh, different. :idunno:

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I’ll have to get to these. With the new themes it’s a little more tiresome. But I should have some time soon :frowning:

What formats does the back-end support for animated emoji?
Does it accept the rather new WEBP format? It has better quality while being smaller in size.

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Like these? It seems to, yes.

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No, this isn’t recognized.

So, animated emojis only in GIF?




Is that really an accurate depiction of “Wanhua tea time”? I have the feeling a realistic emoji for that might not be safe for work.


I wonder when Discourse will update their database, so we can used them in Forumosa…

Where d love emoji?


we need some slippers

Yeah but not those slippers. Need some old worn-out ones with just the Little Hook between the two front toes or maybe even the ones that look like shoes you shove your toes into

These ones are a national symbol of Taiwan, they are used by overseas Taiwanese as a secret symbol and entry into many societies.

Holy Mazu! That’s why the most special cheap ugly slippers are only available at the special night market shops.

download (1)

That would be very much overutilized, IMO.

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These were emojis used in phpbb.

Can we bring them back?

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I would also like one named :what:


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More colours too.

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There’s nothing here:

I can see them, and they appear to be images in the edit window, but I can’t right click on them to display them as images in a new tab.