Encounter with possibly Racist Woman on Train (Songshan to Xike)

If we’re thinking of the same case, they did publish the video on youtube, and then the wheels started turning. (It was helpful that they had the harasser on camera saying yes you can publish this.)

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wow, that is weird. sorry you had that experience.

This suggests that she felt you were taking a picture or video of her. Perhaps it was how you were holding your phone that triggered her.

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Is it that same white lady who was screaming on the train and having a breakdown? I remember it was filmed and on the news. Lol. She “seemed” to have a mental disorder.

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Not really. I was not facing her. She came from the door of the train so she was walking beside me, and I am facing train windows (opposite side).

Ill never know the reason, im sure i did not do anything to trigger her hitting me.

Hmm ill try to search the news. She could be that.

Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner. I was thinkering the same.

10 posts were split to a new topic: From encounter

If she is a,Taiwanese national she will not get deported and if an APRC it usually needs a sentence of over two years. Just avoid her and she could also counter sue and say you touched her breasts.

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If so many people are referring to the same person with various grievances and concerns for her mental state, maybe its better she get reported and hopefully get the help she needs, even if that means being deported.
I just hope she doesn’t have another public breakdown that ends up all over the news in the mean time.

I suggest taking out the “racist” in the title of this thread, unless there is clear evidence that the incident was racially motivated.


On one level however, it doesn’t matter what triggered her (in relation to the OP). She hit another person. Mental health issues or not, every person has a right to self integrity and to not be hit by another person. I don’t see why this is difficult.


I’d be interested to hear more about the racist element from the OP

I’m not arguing this point. On this we are in 100% agreement.

I’m against the name calling was going on.

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