Endless ARC Delays

I’m finally beginning to realise that if not for government red tape and exasperating delays, there would be no happiness in this country for the Taiwanese who seem to live for the above.

It has been two months since I began my the application process for my ARC. I won’t even get into all of the things I had to do to finally get approved, there just isn’t enough bandwidth on this forum. But I will say this, today I was a happy guy.

I was happy today because today was the day! After two months and endless delays, today was the day that I would finally get my ARC and that little victory would make me a happy guy. Going into the weekend, I was a happy camper. I could actually look at the fruits of my labor and hold it in my hand.

Because, the date stamped on my receipt said ‘Pickup on Jan. 3’. I took this to mean that my ARC would be ready to pick up on Jan. 3. It doesn’t matter that it has been long overdue, I thought to myself. Because today is the day that I would get my ARC and I can forget about the past.

They quickly dismissed this happy notion with a wave of their hand and said come back next week.

This can’t be true, I thought to myself. No…you must not understand, I said. Today is the day I pick up my ARC…it says so right here on my receipt.

No, next week, they said. There is a problem at the factory.

I should add that there was no surprise on their faces. This is really quite normal apparently, to tell someone to pick up his/her ARC on the date stamped on the receipt, and then tell him/her to come back next week becuse there is a problem at the factory. Of course.

Now, this all might seem a bit petty to you Forumosans. What’s the big deal? So what? You’ll mutter to yourself. What’s an extra week when it’s already been two months?

Well, they could give me my ARC next month now for all I care. Because today was the day that I was psyched up for. The process is finally over. It’s Friday. And it’s a beautiful sunny day and I’m finally getting my ARC. But no.

I had one little victory in this assinine, idiotic, mind-numbing, ignorant, unexplainable “system” that Taiwanese laughingly call the application process. This was the day it would finally be over. And now they have somehow taken that small victory away from me.

For all I care they can keep it. I don’t want it now. I simply cannot go back to the immigration police without an Uzi full of bullets to systematically mow them all down and burn down their new building on my way out the door.

I picked up my brand spanking new ARC, literally, just yesterday.
It’s shiny and new, and has lots of holographic stamps all over it.
I like it.
No factory delays for me. :slight_smile:

I’m guessing you didn’t show up with cups of green tea and a box of snack cakes?

Silly rabbit…

I don’t get my new card till September.

With the new style cards it takes three weeks before they issue it. It was a week or ten days with the old style ones. Mind you, the old ones were pathetic bits of cardboard. At least the new ones look like they are actually worth something.

So when I need to renew mine in May, should I do it a week or two earlier to take that into account, or doesn’t it matter?

Hey Forumosans. So the new shiny ARCs are ready to go? Is changing over mandatory like it was for the new-fangled ROC IDs? I still have a few years to run on my current ARC but wouldn’t mind biting down on some real plastic. It’s like when you get your first driver’s license! Oh, and someone by the OP a beer. Everything will be OK.

So when I need to renew mine in May, should I do it a week or two earlier to take that into account, or doesn’t it matter?[/quote]

Well, I guess it depends on how important it is for you to have the new card before the old one expires. Also I applied in Taipei County. Maybe other places can get it done faster (or slower).

So when I need to renew mine in May, should I do it a week or two earlier to take that into account, or doesn’t it matter?[/quote]

Well, I guess it depends on how important it is for you to have the new card before the old one expires. Also I applied in Taipei County. Maybe other places can get it done faster (or slower).[/quote]

As long as there’s no gaps between the end of this visa/ARC and the start of the next one, I’ll be happy. My next visa should see me through until I qualify for an APRC, so gaps are bad.

My ARC, the old ugly lame green kind, is good until Oct 2009. Can a guy go in and get one of the updated ones ahead of time?

My ARC, the old ugly lame green kind, is good until Oct 2009. Can a guy go in and get one of the updated ones ahead of time?[/quote]

I remember reading in the paper about 6 months ago that if your ARC expired up to July 2008 you could keep the old style, if it expired after July 2008 you had to swap it for a new one.

Of course, I read this in the paper, so it may not be true. And it was 6 months ago, so the govt has probably changed the regulations at least three times since then.

I had one little victory in this assinine, idiotic, mind-numbing, ignorant, unexplainable “system” that Taiwanese laughingly call the application process. This was the day it would finally be over. And now they have somehow taken that small victory away from me.

For all I care they can keep it. I don’t want it now. I simply cannot go back to the immigration police without an Uzi full of bullets to systematically mow them all down and burn down their new building on my way out the door.[/quote]

Patience, gwashoppa’!
A problem at the factory is a serious affair, bringing all endeavors to a grinding halt.
Bureaushats hold that large wieldy spanner, no use going against the grain. They’ll always win.
Take the pain!

I think I am at my absolute happiest at the exact half-way point between ARC renewals. Then it’s an exponential curve to the next renewal (next one is up this November and I can already feel it coming). So I’d stay out of my way for the rest of the year and ask me for money in about 2 1/2 years time.

I called them up to ask about the new cards because I’m prone to losing shit and don’t want to carry my ARC out of the country with me on vacation.
The woman told me you can keep the old card until it runs out. I have three spaces left on the back of mine, so I won’t need the new type for another 9 years.

When you finally receive your new shiny ARC…check the details on the card! Like Wonder, I was all excited to finish the painful process and get my ARC. In the taxi, leaving the govt office I decided to take a closer look…only to find one digit (an “1”) missing from my passport number. I returned immediately and waited 15 minutes for a replacement.

By the way, during this process I had to go to Banchio to get my fingerprints because the Taipei office did not have the standard ink pad as they only had the digital format. When asked if they would be getting the ink pad they said yes…but just haven’t received it yet. When we told this to Banchio police office they thought this was quite funny and joked they would buy an ink pad and send it to Taipei.

Which reminds me: what’s the address of the place in Banchiao for extending ARCs and where is it in relation to the old foreign affairs police office? I need to go this month.

All I can say is thanks guys and gals. As the OP on this thread, I have cooled down somewhat after my initial meltdown. I didn’t realise the new cards took longer to produce because the Tainan office had me come in a week later and of course it wasn’t ready.

So I know have a modicum of…bittnerness(?) lifted from my once very bitter self. Okay, I won’t Uzi them and I won’t torch the building just yet. :notworthy:

All I can say is thanks guys and gals. As the OP on this thread, I have cooled down somewhat after my initial meltdown. I didn’t realise the new cards took longer to produce because the Tainan office had me come in a week later and of course it wasn’t ready.

So I now have a modicum of…bitterness(?) lifted from my once very bitter self. Okay, I won’t Uzi them and I won’t torch the building just yet. :notworthy:

I think it’s funny that the multiple-entry visa is part of the new card though. That means you must take your new card abroad with you in order to get back into the country without any hassle.

My ARC, the old ugly lame green kind, is good until Oct 2009. Can a guy go in and get one of the updated ones ahead of time?[/quote]

I remember reading in the paper about 6 months ago that if your ARC expired up to July 2008 you could keep the old style, if it expired after July 2008 you had to swap it for a new one.

Of course, I read this in the paper, so it may not be true. And it was 6 months ago, so the govt has probably changed the regulations at least three times since then.[/quote]
That sounds about right. I went to get my old green one renewed about a month ago, fully expecting to get a new one, but they just stamped the extension date on the back and gave it back to me. It’s valid until the end of 2008.