Engaging Halloween lesson for junior high school students

Hi guys,

I wonder if there are any teachers who can share any ideas for a funny, engaging Halloween lesson for junior high school students. Ideally something that you taught in the past and it was a huge success.
Your help will be highly appreciated, thanks a lot.

Cookies with Halloween symbols imprinted. Go over the origins of each symbol and then play the Squid Game Ppopgi game.


Find a video (in Eng w/accurate Eng subs) on the origin of Halloween. Watch it a few times. Do a kahoot to see if they’re paying attention.

Send them around the school to “reverse trick or treat” (they go door to door to give out candy or cards)

“Haunted house for sale”. They write a description of a house that’s haunted and why you should buy it. Draw pictures. Share with class through presentation or gallery walk.

TBH, your ninth graders would love nothing more than to carve pumpkins or make a jackolantern with paper. Actually, any Halloween games geared towards small children would make their day, given how stressed they are