English teachers warn of bad treatment in China

English teachers warn of bad treatment in China

Though foreign teachers in South Korea, Japan and other countries have run into similar problems, the number of allegations in China is much higher because “the rule of law is still not firmly in place,” said a US embassy official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

taipeitimes.com/News/editori … 2003322496

That was a really scary article to read and I really hope it is not like that. Especially with the teacher who had a ’ car accident '. I know we get threatened with deportation but when your life is involved, that has got to be a whole new way of thinking.

All I can say is thank god we have Aristotle and SETT over here to protect us!

you pussies put up with about as much here. like i said, we need ORGANIZATION to fight these problems. teachers union/school finder booth at CKS. catch them FOB. give them a good deal and insure a proper wage and a good school for a good teacher. only good schools. we even help them get set up with trei ma ma for an apartment. is anybody listening ??


[quote=“theposter”]you pussies put up with about as much here. like i said, we need ORGANIZATION to fight these problems. teachers union/school finder booth at CKS. catch them FOB. give them a good deal and insure a proper wage and a good school for a good teacher. only good schools. we even help them get set up with trei ma ma for an apartment. is anybody listening ??

BOOTH AT CKS!![/quote]

In India, civil rights were obtained despite massive government opposition (including physical violence), by people with few or no rights. In the US, civil rights were likewise obtained despite massive government opposition (including physical violence), by people with few or no rights. One of these was a third world country, one a first world country. We can throw South Africa into the mix for good measure.

It will not happen in Taiwan, because the fundamental elements are missing, a sense of unity among those who are disenfranchised, and a strong leadership.

Ex-pat teachers in Taiwan do not care what happens to other ex-pat teachers in Taiwan. There is no sense of unity, camaraderie, or espirit d’ corps outside a general attitude of ‘We’re all in it together against the local primates’ (the Taiwanese nationals, in other words, whom I have seen characterised on these forums as ‘primitives’, ‘monkeys’, and ‘hicks’).

Other than that, there’s nothing to build on. Ex-pat teachers in Taiwan even view each other in national terms (‘You’re a Canadian, I’m from the US, he’s English’), which is not a mindset conducive to the unity necessary for social reform.

Ex-pat teachers in Taiwan are happy if they personally safe and making money, and will grit their teeth and bear the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune (whilst protesting too much online), but will prefer to buckle to the system rather than attempt to change it (they don’t like to stick their neck out).

And who can blame them? Ghandi, Mandela, and King are distant memories of an era long gone. People don’t think like that any more. We grew up. Throughout my public school education in the 80s, the mantra we were drilled in was ‘Look out for Number One’, meaning yourself (you could get it on t-shirts, stickers, the lot). You’re not actually supposed to register on my radar, except if you’re in my way or I can get something out of you.

This is the first sentence I saw of your post and I thought you were talking about the Taiwanese…

It will not happen in Taiwan, because the fundamental elements are missing, a sense of unity among those who are disenfranchised, and a strong leadership.
This is the first sentence I saw of your post and I thought you were talking about the Taiwanese…[/quote]

Now that’s a good example of what I was talking about. Nothing is going to improve for Westerners here while we continue to treat the nation and its population with contempt, and view them as culturally and socially inferior to ourselves.

It will not happen in Taiwan, because the fundamental elements are missing, a sense of unity among those who are disenfranchised, and a strong leadership.
This is the first sentence I saw of your post and I thought you were talking about the Taiwanese…[/quote]

Now that’s a good example of what I was talking about. Nothing is going to improve for Westerners here while we continue to treat the nation and its population with contempt, and view them as culturally and socially inferior to ourselves.[/quote]
How is that contempt or socially superior? Are there not disenfranchised groups among the Taiwanese? I also don’t see Westerners as a ‘group’ and I don’t think they need to be unified or led in Taiwan.

It seemed to be yet another post taking an opportunity to make a cheap shot at the Taiwanese.

Thank you for being an example of the mentality I was talking about.

I do not consider the locals to be hicks or primates. I have a tremendous amount of respect for hardworking entrepreneurs here. A lot of foreigners and local government people here, on the other hand, are probably deserving of the aforementioned title. After all, so many foreigners are willing to work for peanuts. Pay peanuts, get monkeys. Many foreigners here look like Tarzan, walk like Jane, but smell like cheetah.

[quote=“Fortigurn”]It seemed to be yet another post taking an opportunity to make a cheap shot at the Taiwanese.

Thank you for being an example of the mentality I was talking about.[/quote]

thank you for talking more arse than ive heard in a long time…


since when do a bunch of canucks paying off student loans need to be enfranchised?

who was taking cheap shots at Taiwanese? i’m taking cheap shots at foriegners and for the very reasons you stated. i hate foriegners who look down on the TWese. hate those that coddle the TWese too because their WTDA ass can’t cut it anywhere else too.

we need to care about each other. i can’t even get you pussies out there to do a show because you’re all scared you’ll be de-poed and… …okay maybe that’s not fair. some people have a lot at stake here.

but damn. we could be more organized.