Epstein Black Book All 1571 Names + Flight Manifests

That’s the power of blackmail… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Either Oprah, Miley Cyrus, Rachel Maddow, and Courtney Cox were diddling teen girls, or this list is irrelevant.

It’s interesting as to why they all went there. Presumably they’ll say it was to support his charity.

Or, maybe they all liked the guy



The Microsoft co-founder met the woman around 2010, when she was in her 20s. Epstein met her in 2013 and later paid for her to attend software coding school. In 2017, Epstein emailed Gates and asked to be reimbursed for the cost of the course, according to the people familiar with the matter.

What an odd thing to be billed for, huh?

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The one constant in the whole saga is all the men are old, rich and ugly and all the women/girls are really young and beautiful.

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So you’re saying if they were handsome they’d get it for free?

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If they were young, rich and handsome they probably would, at first at least.


Sure, and from good families on the cape.