Escape from Green Island

I saw the old prison there that was turned into an exhibit about the white terror era. Was surprised to learn there is still a prison on Green Island.

So, not ideal really-- at all.

Meanwhile in the UK

*this clip was shared online

Under the Chinese KMT rule, freedom of speech was the worst. For the DPP, it seems food and medicine is the worst :laughing:


Lol. Not much of an escape

I shall turn his story into a Hollywood blockbuster.


Keystone Cops
They’ll probably give him 10 more years to save face

Any forumosans ready to step up and play the lead role?


Who cares? If it is beyond your circle of control, no need to care.

Maybe netflix

The sky dragons need to upgrade their shit! This guy’s photo, all wood filled and pretty, trumps the hell out of the mainlands’ mug shots. Kudos, green island!

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Maybe that was his goal? He wants to stay in longer?

If his window faces west he gets really noice sunsets. :sunrise: