✈ EVA AIR | WTAF! Wiping An Old Perverts Butt!

Okay, but my point stands. You don’t have to wipe his ass. He’s a pig, and she’s an idiot.


It does. Was he a master manipulator? In a face saving culture, the threat of a scandal was too much for her? Her coworkers all ran away to hide? How about the purser?

She blasted it all over Instagram as soon as she landed.

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…which is the SOP here, no biggie.

The point is, if she was saving face and trying to avoid a scandal she wouldn’t have blown it up all over social media.

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Remember: not face to face confrontation.

In other news, this might have helped:

Touché. I can’t stop laughing, you, on your high horse. If, as you say, obesity is the face of freedom from mental illness and the oppressive tropes of patriarchal desire, then the next time you’re faced with a similar situation, I hope you roll up your sleeves.

Pssst… it’s called “sarcasm.”

Oh, that’s hilarious–somebody at Tzu Chi read this story, and thought they should get involved!

If I were the stewardess, I would have handed the guy a mop and invited him to wipe his ass with it.

Think an improper ending is what he was looking for!

This is what she should’ve said.


copy that professor…

On the internet, nobody knows when you’re joking …

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Just checked local news about it. It was really disgusting and leaves no excuse:

Among the details:

  1. He farted while she cleaned

  2. He took away the cloth she put on his privates, saying he did not need it

  3. He had recently flown frequently with EVA and had made the same request from flight attendants. Once they refused, he soiled himself and the rest if the plane had to endure the stench…over a 10 hour flight.


He had been known to EVA for his outrageous requests and had been known to spill drink on himself so the flight attendant would wipe it off his chest, which he enjoyed a lot.

The labor union is the one who brought the incident forward to the press, as they demanded more support from EVA.

Similar incidents occur in the hospital ward on a daily basis. Obese and frail elderly patients too ill to go to the toilet alone often ask nurses to help them with toilet chores. Due to hierarchy within the healthcare establishment, nurses usually delegate this task to nurse assistants or nursing students. Kindergarten teachers often face children who defecate on themselves. No teachers enter the education sector expecting to clean up after messy kids all day long.

Post traumatic stress disorder from job can be made into work related injury claims. Veterans returning from war, disgruntled customers from flight/restaurant/hospital …etc. It is interesting to watch this news develop and how Taiwan’s media report this incident.

Basically, EVA didn’t give a toss about their employees.

I mentioned that in an earlier post, that the guy would soil himself and then people in first class would be stuck with his stench all flight, with her likely getting complaints. So that’s why she likely did that. She likely thought she wouldn’t be supported.

That said I don’t agree with the current trend of people who can’t wait to go home to blast pictures on social media. You’re obviously not that traumatised if your trying to attention seek.

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Probably want some sort of revenge imo. That’s nasty, should put the guy on blast for it.

Well she didn’t. According to what I gather, she is traumatized by the disgusting incident, tried to get help from the company, and publicized the incident when the company did not take the strong action required to feel their support.

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That’s what it takes these days it seems. Social media outrage.