Everyone Draw Mohammed Day

You guys/gals think too much… For me it goes like this,

You ASK me not to do something, I will not do it most of the time.
You TELL me not to do something, there is a 99% chance I am going to do it unless another person will be injured.
You THREATEN me, I am going to do it just to piss you off and prove the point that you don’t tell me what to do.

For the most it is not racsist, nor meant to offend, it is just the simple fact that you can’t THREATEN people. It never works unless your whole reason is to incite shit.

You THREATEN me, I am going to do it just to piss you off and prove the point that you don’t tell me what to do.

For the most it is not racsist, nor meant to offend, it is just the simple fact that you can’t THREATEN people. It never works unless your whole reason is to incite shit.[/quote]


it all started because they threatened Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

[quote=“Deuce Dropper”][quote=“cjc444”]
You THREATEN me, I am going to do it just to piss you off and prove the point that you don’t tell me what to do.

For the most it is not racsist, nor meant to offend, it is just the simple fact that you can’t THREATEN people. It never works unless your whole reason is to incite shit.[/quote]


it all started because they threatened Matt Stone and Trey Parker.[/quote]
No, it all started because they portrayed the “prophet”. Time-lag here or what?

[quote=“Deuce Dropper”][quote=“cjc444”]
You THREATEN me, I am going to do it just to piss you off and prove the point that you don’t tell me what to do.

For the most it is not racsist, nor meant to offend, it is just the simple fact that you can’t THREATEN people. It never works unless your whole reason is to incite shit.[/quote]


it all started because they threatened Matt Stone and Trey Parker.[/quote]

It’s funny you mention this, when I first watched the news of the threats against MS and TP I told my SO the Muslims are fucked and there will be pics of Mohamma, Mohammedine, Mohammed, whatever you call that fuck everywhere.

[quote=“jimipresley”][quote=“Deuce Dropper”][quote=“cjc444”]
You THREATEN me, I am going to do it just to piss you off and prove the point that you don’t tell me what to do.

For the most it is not racsist, nor meant to offend, it is just the simple fact that you can’t THREATEN people. It never works unless your whole reason is to incite shit.[/quote]


it all started because they threatened Matt Stone and Trey Parker.[/quote]
No, it all started because they portrayed the “prophet”. Time-lag here or what?[/quote]

I was referring to this specific day (5/20/10).

I see your point and it is valid, but it is not practical. People have been committing acts of violence in the name of the Prophet, killing en-masse and starting wars. Part of the societal process of growth is to be able to satirize ourselves (political satirists, comedians etc…do serve a purpose in helping us better ourselves and see things in a different light), and it is not in Humanity’s best interest to leave a quarter of the world exempt from this for fear that they might kill us if we do so.

the defense of, or better yet apathy towards the death threats doled out when Mohammed is sketched sounds a lot like the “you don’t understand Taiwanese culture” argument when something is afoul here in the R.O.C.

Hornsby likes to trumpet that ‘that’s just the way it is, some things’ll never change.’

‘Ha, but don’t you believe them.’

Maybe its me, I am Glen Beck’s worse nightmare, A PROGRESSIVE.

You tell em, DD, fuck em if they can’t take a joke. It’s a religion for Christ’s sake, and therefore by definition, a made-up story. You know, come to think of it, I’ve NEVER seen a Mohammed/Islam joke in cartoons ever, or any deprecating art or anything on the subject. Maybe far right wing or racist websites and papers have had em, but nothing remotely resembling mainstream. We’ve got to make up for all these years of going without, I think a day just for releasing the pent-up frustration is just what the doctor ordered.

Just to be fair:

[quote]What did Jesus say when he was up on the cross?
“This was one Hell of a way to spend my Easter vacation.”[/quote]

And of course:

South Park lambast everyone. That’s the best thing!

Buddha, Hitler, Elvis, gays, straights, reindeer: everybody gets a go.

[quote=“urodacus”]South Park lambast everyone. That’s the best thing!

Buddha, Hitler, Elvis, gays, straights, reindeer: everybody gets a go.[/quote]


Poor reindeer! :frowning:

As long as we don’t have another ‘Let’s kill Hello Kitty’ day.

[quote=“jimipresley”]I think you all are missing the point(s). I am the arch-atheist. I am MILITANTLY against religion. In my opinion, it’s the greatest scourge to ever blight humanity.

That being said, deliberately making inflammatory and provocative posts/trolling is, again, IMO a :no-no:

To move on, Muslims REALLY don’t like their “prophet” being depicted in any way. What sort of expedience is to be gained from doing so? I think it’s stupid and pointless. You think it’s going to alter their beliefs? Going to marginalize them in some way? All it contributes to is polarization.

I suppose I’m going to get the “Oh, but they started” shit, or the “Oh our religion is so much cooler, we can laugh at ourselves” nonsense response.

Whatever. You want to change things? Talk to people. Express humanity, even if you think it’s not being expressed to you. Evolve.

“Everybody Draw Mohammed Day”: can someone actually tell me what this is going to achieve? Nothing but more hate.[/quote]
Classic Post Jimi!!! :notworthy:

I just don’t understand why anyone would want to get involved in a provocative act like that. It’s very easy to live your life and not have to doodle pictures of any religious figure be they Jesus, Vishnu, Baron Samedi or whoever the fuck people want to worship. So why do something that you know will stir something up? It’s very easy to make your point in other ways. Some of the pics I saw on that Facebook page, well lets just say their mother’s would be very proud :unamused:

I’ll take the piss out of people sure, but I’ll never mock their God or prophet.

[quote=“Funk500”]I just don’t understand why anyone would want to get involved in a provocative act like that. It’s very easy to live your life and not have to doodle pictures of any religious figure be they Jesus, Vishnu, Baron Samedi or whoever the fuck people want to worship. So why do something that you know will stir something up? It’s very easy to make your point in other ways. Some of the pics I saw on that Facebook page, well lets just say their mother’s would be very proud :unamused:

I’ll take the piss out of people sure, but I’ll never mock their God or prophet.[/quote]

Yes! I agree with you, Mr. Funk.

[quote=“divea”][quote=“jimipresley”]I think you all are missing the point(s). I am the arch-atheist. I am MILITANTLY against religion. In my opinion, it’s the greatest scourge to ever blight humanity.

That being said, deliberately making inflammatory and provocative posts/trolling is, again, IMO a :no-no:

To move on, Muslims REALLY don’t like their “prophet” being depicted in any way. What sort of expedience is to be gained from doing so? I think it’s stupid and pointless. You think it’s going to alter their beliefs? Going to marginalize them in some way? All it contributes to is polarization.

I suppose I’m going to get the “Oh, but they started” shit, or the “Oh our religion is so much cooler, we can laugh at ourselves” nonsense response.

Whatever. You want to change things? Talk to people. Express humanity, even if you think it’s not being expressed to you. Evolve.

“Everybody Draw Mohammed Day”: can someone actually tell me what this is going to achieve? Nothing but more hate.[/quote]
Classic Post Jimi!!! :notworthy:[/quote]

I’m with this post of jimipresley’s as well. I’m the überatheist. I’m all for satire to keep groups in check.

But the vitriol scares me. This entire post exists, after all, because some of the people in one group believe themselves so in the right, that they feel they can call for the extermination of people whose points of view differ. Let’s try and remember that tit for tat just leads to loss for everyone. If you disagree with someone’s point of view, there are better ways of broaching the issue than pissing them off so much that the only solution is war.

With close friends, I make fun of all religions. With other friends, I seemingly respect their beliefs (I keep quiet when they voice grace before lunch), although I let my own beliefs be known. I voice my atheism as much as my friends express their religion.

I simply know that it’s not going to get the world anywhere by defiling others’ altars or shrieking against their beliefs. People are never gonna change because of hatred directed towards them. They’ll just retreat further into their own worlds.

Picking on any religion is just going to convince the adherents that they are being persecuted and will intensify their beliefs.

So, go ahead and pick any religion you think is crazy (unlike yours, which holds the absolute truth and meaning and makes absolute sense, of course). Howl at them for a decade or so and see what happens. You are most unlikely to convert anybody.

Also an uberaetheist, I tend to agree with what y’all are saying. Posting cartoons or jokes or derogatory comments about a religion or a figurehead of a religion is not going to change their minds, and will only lead to more polarization.

But. Sometimes when people threaten freedom of expression, which is the most basic freedom of all perhaps, you’ve got to stand up and say No, you’re not taking away my freedoms, and I’m going to show you how I mean to stick it up your ass. I don’t see this topic and the general tone as an effort to reason with fundamentalist moslems or to express an important point of view to the rest of us. I see it as a way to say “you wanna threaten me and people like me? well screw you, let me show you I’m not gonna take your shit lying down.” Yeah I’m scared as shit some fundamentalist fucker, Islamic, Christian, or otherwise (don’t hear too much about Buddhist fundamentalist tho eh) is gonna start shooting or gonna take offense at something I say or do some day. But in its own small way, posting this kind of stuff is one way of standing up.

So long as the posts are in the same vein of similar cartoons and jokes about other religions or worldviews (i.e. not openly virulent or solely offensive), I’m all for it. For a time.

You and I are living our own small lives and who is questioning our freedom of speech? I haven’t been threatened in my life and I have a doz. muslim friends and know a zillion. Of course if someone takes sth. from me, I will fight for it. Nothing’s been taken from me. If I don’t draw a silly picture of ANY god or prophet for the rest of my life, it won’t be a big loss. Just like if I don’t go Bungee jumping.

For me, it’s like, you don’t want depictions of the man you follow?? Cool. He is not THAT important to me. BUT, if it is THAT imp. to you that I don’t do it, I’ll be generous or couldn’t care less.

[quote=“TheGingerMan”]Facebook should be blocked world-wide. It’s a hideous abomination.

not mention abusive to it’s users…

At least not since the Aum Shinrikyo terrorist attacks in Tokyo…

At least not since the Aum Shinrikyo terrorist attacks in Tokyo…[/quote]

They weren’t really Buddhist. Didn’t the leader liken himself to Jesus at one point in the early 90s? I think there was also a bit of Nostradamus mixed in.