Everything you wanted to know about the YouBike

I think he is saying… they are too hot. Dont use them. Use an air conditioned tinted windowed car instead! He sounds like a prick.

They should have put some smartphone holders onto youbike 2, even though the chance is high your smartphone is melting while riding the bike.

The insurance thing is a pain in the fucking arse. Too hot for to stand at one of those wank UouBike booths trying to see in the sun as I fuck around filling my details in.

I assume it can be done at one of those piss pot little booths they have at some mrt station. I guess I’ll have to do it there

Which halfwit came up with this brainwave

And I can’t register because I have a new phone and new number and my bike is registered to my old one. Brilliant. Tip top fucking idea.

And let’s be honest, problems with cyclists on you bikes are minimal compared to drivers here not knowing how indicators work or when to indicate

It’s pot luck if the guy indicating means the turn coming up on one fifty yards down the road


You don’t need to assume anything. Read the thread!


Building a roof over YouBike stations is actually a pretty good idea. No more hot seats and the bikes are protected from the elements.

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Is that a real problem ? Ive never noticed it and i ride every day.


Ass of steel?

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How do the thousands of scooter riders and other bicyclists cope? Perhaps someone should be employed to push the Youbike riders around as many seem to be incapable of doing anything without government assistance.

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Exactly. If this isnt a problem for scooters then why should it be a problem for youbikes? This cucks job should be under investigation.

To be fair, it’s not the riders complaining, it’s the Taipei city councilor who definitely doesn’t ride a Youbike and likely drives their car around everywhere Taylor Swift style.

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I’ve given up swiping Yoyo card when I return the bike

It takes a deduction from previous rental and then rents bike all in one pass. No need to swipe the card twice


Electric YouBikes going to be distributed through Greater Taipei area.

Not much else to the article as despite the title only 2 sentences are about the electric YouBike while the rest is about electric kick scooters.

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I’ve been seeing a bunch of em around. Still not tried one… seems a bit expensive.

I tried doing this with my Tpass once. Return YouBike and didn’t swipe card. Then when I tried to rent again, it had multiple failures with deduction failed. Took 3 times to finally be able to rent the bike

I like them, they are a bit expensive but quite fun. The sudden kick forward when you start pedalling caught me by surprise the first time I used it.

But really, unless you are going a long distance. I think the bog standard U Bikes are fine.


Rode one yesterday, not really needed in downtown Taipei City, unless you want to travel far or go uphill. Good for long rides, like all the way to Tamsui or Taoyuan.


I agree with these posts. The 2.0E bikes are fun but complete overkill in the flat parts of the Taipei basin.

For zinging around in the hilly parts of Hsinchu, however . . . :crazy_face:


I tried not swiping my Tpass after returning you bike again today. When trying to rent again, I had to swipe my card 3x before it let me rent the next bike. Is this the same experience you have?

Yeah, the e-ubikes are only worth it uphill. They cap around 20km/h which can be easily reached with a normal ubike on flat surface.