i,m a french speaking canadian girl and I’ll be leaving in August to study for a year in Taiwan ( probably in Taipei. I don’t speak a world of mandarin and I would really appreciate some help to learn the language.I,m really scarred about having lots of problem learning it and not being able to communicate with people while i’ll be over there. I’m living through the Rotary Exchange Program so I,ll be leaving with host fmailies, fonrtunatly, so they will probably speak a bit of english, but still , I’m going there to learn the language and the culture. Please! Help me , i wanna learn some basic beofre going… And I wonder how i will be able to remember all the characters…
Is it possible to be able to fonctionate over there after a year??? I was also wondering if there were any kindergarten teachers over here… I know it would be the best way to start learning the languge… as the kids do.
I would really appreciate your help!
thanks a lot!
you can reply to my email : valland@hotmail.com