Exemptions, deductions, and basic living expense


It says that exemptions, deductions, and basic living expense will be deducted during the calculation of tax. I understand that, for itemized deductions and special deductions, I will require some supporting documents. Do I need to collect any supporting documents for the exemptions, standard deductions, and basic living expense?

How do you plan to file? If you file electronically there is a list of supporting documents you must provide that you can print out at the end.

This year, I went to the tax office myself. But, if possible I would like to do it online. Since it is December, I am wondering do I have to collect any document now which may not be available later.

I also noticed that, there are some deductions based on the house rent. Do I need to ask the landlord for any documents? Or, is the lease document sufficient to claim this deduction?

Your landlord will be very happy with your decision to file “house rent” as exemption.
He/she will reward you with additional rent fee for next year.

Seriously, for most people, single, no spouse, no kids, basic deduction is wayyyyy more than selecting the special itemized deduction. (Excluding house rent deduction).

While tax office here not known to be as zealous as IRS in the states, I am pretty sure, ticking yourself as “special”, will give you status as “person of interest”.

The link said itself…
Itemized deductions (original receipts or documents should be attached according to the tax law).

You can try to file electronically now for 2021 (without going through the final step of actually submitting). You can click through the app and see what it does.

In most cases, your deduction items will not add up to the minimum required to exceed the basic deduction.

Like the prior poster said, better not to list rent payments unless your landlord knows about that and is fine with it.

Do you still have to mail a bunch of documents? (despite having it be completed (online))

You have to mail some documents, but they usually are copies of things you have around the house, like marriage certificate, birth certificate, passport, things like that. You can print the list of what you need to send at the end and it depends on what you planned to file. If you have itemized deductions you probably need copies of all of that.

You know back in 2012/13 I was able to lodge my Australian taxes online with no need to mail any such documents… The government is able to keep these things on file!

Waaaaay before that, I could do it online in my home country as well (no need to mail). And the app did not suck ass either.

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I’d presume my country started before then. But 2012 was the first year I even needed to lodge a return

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