Experienced Chinese Teaching


Hi! I am a Taiwanese that majored in English during my college studies. I have been employed as the head teacher of an English Cram School for 3 ½ years now and hence am able to converse very well in both English and Chinese. If you are interested in day to day practical Chinese or need extra lessons with your studies, I am confident that I would be able to provide you with the necessary help. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Beginner:300 NTD/hr
Intermediate:400 NTD/hr

My phone number:0972373998

Why would the prices go up as proficiency increased? Wouldn’t your job be easier with more proficient students?

Why would it? It’s still an odd pricing structure, unless it’s because she teaches more beginners so it’s routine in terms of sourcing materials?

I was wondering the same thing. Surely it gets a lot easier/less prep involved when someone who is almost fluent just wants conversation practice, or to read over newspaper/magazine articles?

I have to disagree. It is a lot easier teaching beginners well than teaching advanced well.

You need to prep more otherwise they won’t be learning anything new. ‘Conversation practice’ is a giant waste of time because the learner will focus on output and just repeat what they already know. It’s a lazy cop-out for the teacher and probably the learner too.

Teaching beginners and advanced students is easy because they both have similar needs. It’s the space between that is tough because you have to be more reactive.

Advanced learners can be easier because they are often more intelligent and motivated than middle level ‘plateau’ students. However, for a Chinese teacher, the amount of advanced students she deals with will be much lower than the amount of advanced English learners, so it may be harder for her because she does less of it and so needs to put in more effort.

Most of my advanced students have usually provided their own learning objectives. I am just there to provide a course of action to get them there, and then work them from end to end.


Hi! I am a Taiwanese that majored in English during my college studies. I have been employed as the head teacher of an English Cram School for 3 ½ years now and hence am able to converse very well in both English and Chinese. If you are interested in day to day practical Chinese or need extra lessons with your studies, I am confident that I would be able to provide you with the necessary help. Thank you.

Beginner:300 NTD/hr
Intermediate:400 NTD/hr

My phone number:0972373998


Hi! I am a Taiwanese that majored in English during my college studies. I have been employed as the head teacher of an English Cram School for 3 ½ years now and hence am able to converse very well in both English and Chinese. If you are interested in day to day practical Chinese or need extra lessons with your studies, I am confident that I would be able to provide you with the necessary help. Thank you.

Beginner:300 NTD/hr
Intermediate:400 NTD/hr

My phone number:0972373998