Experiences dating Taiwanese guys?

Ramleeburger, Tainoy, the article you read with approval advises heterosexual men to marry a rich woman, then

There is much more in that vein. Anyway, after reading this I feel that (a) I need a bath, (b) the author of that needs counseling, and (c) you two need to think about your values, and the direction of your lives.

Honestly, i’ve never really encountered any negatives or stereotypical trait regarding Taiwanese guys. Any negatives are surely down to the personality and not where they’re from?

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for around 8 months now and both him and his gay friends are just like any 20 somethings i’ve ever come across, just like me. I think it’s a little unfair to label “taiwanese guys are X” in all honesty

When it comes to the way most Taiwanese guys act, you have to understand that Taiwanese especially the older generation are not too receptive of the “gay lifestyle.” I’m an american born Taiwanese, fluent in chinese, Taiwanese and english. Even living here in the US and being gay in a Taiwanese family is difficult. It is really scary to deal with your parent’s disapproval, in some cases so severe that they disown. The statistics for homosexuals being disowned by family forget Taiwanese, in general is pretty scary. Taiwanese culture and Chinese Culture in general put a lot of emphasize on family. To lose it is probably one of the worst thing that could happen. Anyway, imagine dating a person who speaks a completely different language. Say french, or arabic. It makes it 10x more intimidating if you don’t know what to say. Also I would have to say its not just Taiwanese but Chinese in general whether it is gay or straight dating, we are more reserved. We are taught to be this way.