Family Mart Entrance Jingle Changed?!?

My new ringtone

We weren’t rich enough for no DS!

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Parents should’ve gotten an amex to put the charge on

Actually my dad did have an Amex. One time he tried to pay the bill over the phone, and he didn’t pass the security questions and locked his account, then he just gave up. They never asked for the money back, no letters, no calls, ever

The old version still being used in Japan.

The Japanese one was slightly different in my experience, the middle notes are inverted.

It upset me deeply, so i defected to 7-11

(Getting odd looks in the park playing simple monotonic tunes on my phone :joy:)



Yanky Doodle?


LOL. The initial one was a ragepost. I agree that the new one is enjoyable, but do I want to hear it everytime I enter a Family Mart? No.

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Translation: I don’t like change.

Not a criticism. I don’t always like change either.

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Can’t stand the new jingle. It sounds too complicated and it’s very distracting, especially if you work there. 711 has a simple jingle that does the job well.

What is it now? Jangle?

After the past few years if this is the worst thing we deal with I will be delighted! :joy:

Btw, are you still in Taichung? I’ve been really enjoying Namaste Taiwan here in the capital. Really appreciate your recommendation!


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I was never even consciously aware of a jingle until I clicked this thread. Y’all have too much time.

I’m in Hsinchu rn, but will probably move to Taipei in the near future.

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