Famous Bikini Hiker dies from injuries in a fall in Taiwan

Well I’ll still try and climb the main section. Probably doable since there’s loads of hand and foot holds. No way novices would even try. The problem has always been people attempt the sections without realizing the danger and without realizing you have to anchor with two feet and two hands. Also descending is way more dangerous than ascending since those surfaces can get quite slippery. I know of one fatality and have seen one middle aged woman being carried out by 20 odd rescuers.

It’s scary how slippery the surfaces can get. I was more fit years ago and would try those difficult hikes/climbs, now I just stick to easy trails, fitness level sucks

You are struggling to justify a big gap in the rescue capabilities . Pretty sure there are drones that could get to her location.

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Why would I try to justify anything. Show me that drone… and the price tag.

A lot cheaper than a helicopter and crew I’m sure who could also die.


They knew her exact location. She called with her coordinates

Drones only have 30-90 minutes of battery life, she was a 28 hours hike into the mountains. What use would it have been?

Sure I am all for new technology. Probably helpful when trying to find people. You were talking about getting emergency supplies to the people. Wondering about two things, range of the drones and capability of carrying stuff. In this particular case, would it have been possible to fly the drone to her?

I don’t know, but it’s within the realm of possibilities. Taiwan military has massive budgets for drones and helicopters. Taiwan needs to improve it’s drone tech anyway to defend the island.
In this case possibly all they needed was to get a thernal blanket to her.


Pretty miserable friggin way to go, man

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Yeah, not nice at all.

Taiwan’s mountainous bits are a lot more treacherous than people realise. This seems to happen on a pretty regular basis.

If she had actually phoned in her co-ordinates, I honestly don’t get why there wasn’t a helicopter on the scene within an hour. Fine, charge people for the cost if you have to, but at least make sure the service is available. The number of idiots who do this sort of thing, it could probably turn out quite profitable.

Airwolf would have saved the day.
Seriously there’s got to have been a way to get some help in time. Drive as close to the location as possible and launch a drone of some sort.
Bad weather supposedly delayed the rescue which was unfortunate. As they are a crewed vehicle they cannot take as many chances.

What would the drone be able to accomplish?

Maybe you could read above to guess.

I thought I read somewhere that they tried but the conditions precluded getting a chopper in.
Flying rotary wing into close confined conditions, especially when there’s weather involved, is a lot trickier than your average Butch Willis movie would suggest.
@tommy525 can probably back this up…


Answer or don’t, forget about my input I guess.

I wrote it already, twice I believe.

An example from Oz. Not a mountain but similar idea. For mountains you’d drop a blanket and food and water. If the accident victim still has consciousness and can use their hands there’s a chance that they could save themselves. Even if unconscious you could imagine a blanket that is placed over their body with a more sophisticated device.


Sounded like she had her equipment with her when she fell. She called a friend on a satellite phone and 24 hours later let off a distress beacon. The fact that she survived day means she probably had a blanket and sleeping bag at least.

Problem was it raining, she couldn’t move, and she was at the bottom of a ravine that was filling with water.

Yeah, they usually have categories. Even some of the beginners climbs have parts of difficulty. But even moderate ones are no joke, it’s harder than it looks if you’re already fatigued.

Yes and no. The death is awful, but if she was experienced as other posts in this thread indicate, she knew the risks and chose to take them and as a result died doing something she apparently loved, and to me that somehow makes it a bit less miserable, if that make sense.

This isn’t some dumb Instagrammer walking off a pier. Bad things happen even to the best prepared, and it sounds like that’s what happened here.


I read that. Incredible. I’d like to know what actually happened during those days he was lost… and surviving.