Fart Pranks

I can’t stop watching these.

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Was in church one time a few years ago, in Taipei, when an elderly lady in pew behind us, let out a big one.
My youngest turned to me, and I was like, be quiet, I know, etc., because he was going to say our loud it was her. lol


Perhaps Fart Pranks would be better suited for the YouTube forum instead of ‘arts’?

I get they rhyme, but the meaning completely changes with that one letter.


Not sure what you mean about the rhyming. Farts have different rhythms, though!

I’ll see if I can change this to YouTube. If I can’t, I wouldn’t mind if a mod did this.

Edit: change made.

Arts and Farts

Laughing now.

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Farts and art share a long history. Japan and France for sure.

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Humorbagel is a huge hit with my kids. Our favorites are his long farts and his porta pottie bits


Smelling his own farts.

PEWWWW!!! :joy:

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Why is this funny? It happens all the time in Taiwan and nobody laughs about it…

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Really? I haven’t experienced this and I’ve seen all kinds of weirdness at the pool.

For shure. Older blokes think nothing of it to fart in public. Had someone do it next to me on the MRT a couple weeks ago. He was not doing it for a laugh. When you get respect for being old for free some weird stuff happens.

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Smelling your own farts. Laughed so hard.

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As long as he’s not wearing shorts and a trickle of watery rust-coloured fluid comes running down the back of his knee

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I really shouldn’t be watching this at work. Trying my best to keep the laughter low-key.

I love farting in the security pods at offices and airports.

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