
Read it again.

Wouldn’t that be the opposite of equality if it were? Whatever u wanna say— Let ‘er… rip, homegirl.

Well, I suppose I should’ve seen this coming. But if any phDs or MDs still wanna chime in, feel free

Beer and beans.

Plus yams and sweet potatoes! Lol

If you want a one person band of melodies in/excluding the fragrances, that’ll do it nicely! Lol

I thought 10 secs was hyperbole, but of course Guinness tracks this too:

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind

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There’s a Cantonese expression…
Loud ones aren’t smelly
Smelly ones are silent

The English (American English?) expression is better: silent but deadly.

Can you write out the Cantonese expression? I’m curious.

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I remember ‘loud and proud, silent but violent’, dunno if that’s South African or just my (slightly eccentric) family.

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Same saying exists in Mandarin: 響屁不臭,臭屁不響


That’s very clever, especially the use of 響.

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Same in Spanish: silencioso pero matón.

Other fart related expressions:

El que primero lo huele, debajo lo tiene. Don’t be the first one to say ‘who’s farted?’.

A buen culo, buen pedo. It’s a way to say that everybody farts, even hot people.

Ese va acompañado. Said when a fart is specially loud, you can guess what the companion can be.


I think this is the same as ‘the fox smells its own hole first’.

“Whoever smelt it, dealt it.” Said to the person who asks who farted.

Someone who thinks his/her “shit don’t stink” is an arrogant person in English.

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