FBI and new wire tapping, Internet surveillance

Interesting how the FBI improves on its previous ‘carnivore’ system

Well, carnivore was written because existing commercial equivalents were too invasive, and they had to work under stricter guidelines. So they wrote carnivore to make it easier to avoid breaking laws.

These days, American citizens basically have no privacy rights, so it’s not surprising that they are adopting their techniques accordingly :wink:

If Americans object, perhaps they should stop electing people who do this stuff :wink:

I can’t believe this program would work effectively. What if I write in another language, or in code, or just misspell stuff a lot?

How many computer programmers fluent in Arabic could they have working for them?

Oh plenty, I’m sure.

But in any case, the point of the new software the article talks about is that it records everything indiscriminately, and can then be sifted through later. No NLP required.