Fear of Darkness

Some people aren’t bothered with darkness. I am. It’s under control I think. I can live a normal life, I just leave a light on in the house at night if I’m home alone and I manage fine. But not without discomfort. I generally avoid being in the dark by myself as much as possible. If someone is with me, I’m fine. Even a dog makes a big difference as I am comforted knowing that dogs have strong senses.

Quite a few years back, I was hired to do night spraying on a citrus farm called Capricorn Orchards in Australia. The work consisted of operating a spraying rig from the pressurized cabin of a farm tractor. The water tank was big enough to last about 45 minutes. I then had to get out of the cabin and flag where I finished before I would go fill up and mix chemicals into the water tank. It was pitch black and I was in the middle of a big farm. The tractor had huge lights but they only light the front of the rig while the water tank was on the rear end. Every time I got out of the damn machine my heart was thumping. I hated that job but the money was good at the time. I got in troubles a few times for driving all the way to the pump-house to fill up because there was big lights there. I would turn on all the lights I could find.

I know people who can go walk alone in the forest at night, camping, etc. I would freak out. Hard to understand how hard it would be for me.

I sometimes thought about seeking help for this but like I mentioned, my day to day life isn’t affected much by this phobia. I’m not really self-conscious about it either so I don’t mind sharing this. Forumosa is free unlike other resources so I thought I’d just ask Dr. Forumosan for some hints as to why someone would be afraid of darkness and maybe also get some advice as to how to deal with it better. Please do not refer me to a doctor, it’s not going to happen so save your fingers. :slight_smile: Just say what you think regardless how educated or knowledgeable you are on the subject.

Thanks in advance,


Myctophobia is pretty common. I don’t know how to treat it though…did anything happen to you when you were a kid to have caused this?

Energy psychology is the new thang when it comes to the fear of darkness…it’s like acupuncture…but they use energy instead of needles?!

Hey Bob. I can kind of understand your fear of darkness. I had it mildly when I was a kid, but as I grew older it seemed to go away. To still have this phobia as an adult must be pretty bad.

Other than that you seem to be dealing with it fairly well. Other than that, if you wanted to take it on head on, you could just force yourself to sleep in the dark, or watch TV in the dark at first getting used to less light. Then maybe later sleeping in the dark or sitting in the dark at home. At least at home you know the environment. Just remind yourself that it’s an irrational fear and that there is actually nothing for you to be scared of.

As a comfort (and a side joke) think of this little quip a para trooper mate of mine used to say (heavens alone knows where he got it from), “As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil. 'Cos I’m the meanest motherf***er in the valley.”

Hope that helps mate…

Hmm, I’m pretty much the opposite - I don’t like light, (except for sunlight during the day). But at night, I like my place to be as dark as possible - I taped up all of my windows with matt black paper so that my room can be pitch black at night, and no light can get in.

Yeah, talking about the camping thing, I really enjoy being in a dark place far away from human civilisation - not that I’d want to live somewhere like that, but it’s a good feeling to REALLY get away from it all.

One of my best camping trips was in the Drankensberg mountains (South Africa), with just myself and my best friend, we slept in a cave, man, it was eery, but really cool at the same time, being the only humans within many kilometres. Pure silence is both intensley overwhelming and really soothing at the same time…

As for your phobia… Can’t really offer much advice…

As soon as the lights are out in the bedroom, my wife starts screaming.

And that is not my fault

really… :blush:

BobPine -
I am almost the opposite. Since early childhood I have had no fear of the dark.
I was also blessed with extremely good night vision which I think contributed to this.
I have met many people who share your condition. The only help I could offer is for them to try to mentally picture their dark environment as ‘lit up.’
That is, if you are in a dark room, think in your minds eye that you are seeing it with the lights on. Try to remember what it looks like in the light. This might help you gain more confidence.
Of course it helps if your room-mate doesn’t move the furniture around on ya… :wink:

Good luck and have confidence. There’s nothing in the dark you can’t overcome.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Of course it helps if your room-mate doesn’t move the furniture around on ya… :wink: [/quote]It’s even worse if they move the walls around on you. I go to the kitchen to turn the light off, and on the way back to the bedroom I bump into a wall that wasn’t there a moment ago :fume:

[quote=“Big Fluffy Matthew”]It’s even worse if they move the walls around on you. I go to the kitchen to turn the light off, and on the way back to the bedroom I bump into a wall that wasn’t there a moment ago :fume:[/quote]BFM -
And don’t even mention those damn dimensional doorways that pop-up when you least expect them…geeeez! :raspberry:



I am not afraid of the dark. I am afraid of not seeing. I know that sounds odd. I have to keep my computer on at night because the LED reflects off my floor and gives me a path to the door. I also keep my bathroom light on so that once my door is open I can see my way to the bathroom.
I don’t believe in boogy men, ghosts, or what not. I believe in me… the clumsiest woman in the world. If I don’t have a light on I will kill myself somehow.

[quote=“SuchAFob”]I am not afraid of the dark. I am afraid of not seeing. I know that sounds odd. I have to keep my computer on at night because the LED reflects off my floor and gives me a path to the door. I also keep my bathroom light on so that once my door is open I can see my way to the bathroom.
I don’t believe in boogy men, ghosts, or what not. I believe in me… the clumsiest woman in the world. If I don’t have a light on I will kill myself somehow.[/quote]

Watch out for them banana peels, too…

bobpine, sorry to hear you such a phobia. wonder if it has anything to do with your eyesight. Ever asked an eye doctor for a solution to this lifelong phobia? Maybe at night, your eyes “feel” the darkness more than most people because of some kind of darkness receptor?

I’d be petrified if The Darkness were walking around my apartment, whether the lights were on or off.

I’m not sure how I would deal with your problem though, except confront it try to get over it. It’s easy to say, I know, but I many people have demonstarted that phobias can be overcome, from fear of spiders, flying and heights to walking sticks, fire extinguishers and paper clips. I know someone who is shit scared of bananas and can’t even navigate the fruit and veg section of a supermarket without the fear that she may at any moment see one. And I’m not joking, either.

[quote=“Dangermouse”]I’d be petrified if The Darkness were walking around my apartment, whether the lights were on or off.

I’m not sure how I would deal with your problem though, except confront it try to get over it. It’s easy to say, I know, but I many people have demonstarted that phobias can be overcome, from fear of spiders, flying and heights to walking sticks, fire extinguishers and paper clips. I know someone who is shit scared of bananas and can’t even navigate the fruit and veg section of a supermarket without the fear that she may at any moment see one. And I’m not joking, either.[/quote]

Well I know ONE Forumosette that AIN’T!!!

I feel a little trepidation around people who are scared of the dark.

[quote=“Ironman”]I feel a little trepidation around people who are scared of the dark.[/quote]Does that mean people who are afraid of the dark are bad people? I’m not following you. Reply or receive a pm soon.

Thanks to those of you who stuck to the topic and thanks for the other posters for keeping it lighthearted.

Don’t get me wrong, I can go camping in the bush(with a friend) and I like a dark bedroom at night so long as I’m not home alone. It’s not that bad but it scares me when I’m by myself.

There is a little bit more to it but it’s late now. Got to go brave darkness for a night of sleep. :wink: Maybe I’ll write a bit more about it this weekend.

