This could be the nail in the coffin for EADS. They are heavily in hock for this A380 program and its really bitten them bad.
FedEx Dumps A380, to Buy 15 Boeing 777s
More here:
Google on A380 Problems Cause FedX Change to Boeing
This could be the nail in the coffin for EADS. They are heavily in hock for this A380 program and its really bitten them bad.
FedEx Dumps A380, to Buy 15 Boeing 777s
More here:
Google on A380 Problems Cause FedX Change to Boeing
I would doubt it will kill the program. Qantas just upped their order significantly last week
But, putting the orders aside, all the serious money has already been spent developing this bird. The tooling is done, documentation, components developed, suppliers in place etc etc. Any orders from here on in is good news for EADS.
There is no way they will let it die now. you can watch the flame fest go back and forth. Hand fitting the wiring for the first 10 or so aircraft would seem to me to create a lot of ongoing maint. issues for the airline with lots of semi-standard parts.
I believe that the A380 will be a well regarded airplane in the long run, if not a full financial success for Airbus. It’s a lot of hulls before break even and each delay just increases that.
What will be more interesting is the political pushing and shoving that will go on as an after effect as they try to re-structure airbus.
Well, the A380 came in 5+ tons over-spec and that has sent the cargo carrier clients running for the hills. So Airbus decided to change about 60% of the wiring from copper(heavy) to aluminum(not so heavy) as a ‘fix’. My suggestion of filling the cargo bay with helium remains unanswered.
This article discusses the A380 problems, and the search being done to solve them, and AB’s plans for the much heralded A350 - their intended rival to Boeing 787 DreamLiner.
Airbus bosses to give green light to A350 … 42,00.html
“Once the board gives the project approval, EADS and Airbus will seek launch financing, about $3 billion, from the French, German, Spanish and British governments.”
More on the Airbus/A380 problems. A juicy article full of interesting info…almost gossipy on nature.
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