Fellow Canadians rejoice!

Leave it to me to once again somehow f— up the former PM’s name. I think that was the photo. That was the way AP had originally written it–“the man is unidentified.” The angry letters were a lot more amusing.

[quote=“tigerman”][quote=“porcelainprincess”][quote=“tigerman”]A Thaw In Canada - US Ties

[quote]A new prime minister is always a good excuse for Canadians to reaffirm their national identity as distinct from the giant, overbearing neighbor to their south.


What, pray tell, does this have to do with the topic at hand?[/quote]

Uh, the topic at hand is the various prime ministers of Canada, including the new one, and how many Americans don’t even know who they are.

The article I linked to discusses the new Canadian Prime Minister’s first meeting with the US President.

I think that is pretty much on-topic.[/quote]

I thought the topic at hand began as a visual yuck at the expense of Chretien and Saddam, and then morphed into how an ignorant dolt actually indicated in a photo caption that the prime minister was an “unidentified man.” Perhaps, from an American perspective, the article you linked to makes a cryptic connection to the elusive nature of the PM’s identity (erm…“A new prime minister is always a good excuse for Canadians to reaffirm their national identity as distinct from the giant, overbearing neighbor to their south”?), or ties in somehow with a certain journalist’s brain cell deficiency, but this Canucklehead doesn’t really see it.

Then again…perhaps you were playing a game of association? Topic: Canadian prime minister with a beard looks sorta like Saddam, nyuck nyuck. Response: oh, er, uh, Canada…hey, here’s an article about thawing Canada-US ties!

I have pondered this question and cannot answer it as I have no example of hatred towards Canadians to compare it to. Summoning all my Stanislavian skills, I will now attempt to act American in order to discover what hatred towards me and my countrymen feels like:


[color=blue]…starting to put on weight…[/color]



[color=red]WHERE DID THIS GUN COME FROM???..[/color]

[color=blue]…Hey you, reader, this is my property…my intellectual property, you can’t read it…now as I see it, I can either shoot you or sue you…“Git off mah land”…[/color]

[color=white]…Oh-hh say can you seeeeeeeee…[/color]

[color=red]Huh? Canada? They’s all jist lahk [/color][color=white]us anyhow…when we wants their water,[/color] [color=blue]we’s a-gonna jist march right up there and start drinkin’…[/color]

[color=red]Why doesn’t anybody like us? Why is everyone trying to kill us…[/color]

AHhhhh…no…I don’t like that feeling at all…

In answer to your question, ML, no…indifference does not hurt worse than hatred.

Now that gay marriages are legal in Canada, I will make you this one time offer. For $100,000US/year, I will marry you. This way you can feel free to travel the world safely, with a Canadian passport.

Method acting…gotta luv it.