Filing for domestic violence after a divorce

I’ve looked into this option and been told that it’s a possibility for those parents that have received part or full custody for their children. I’ve also read that there is a possibility of applying for an ARC if foreign spouse has been victim to domestic violence and had been through a court proceeding for their divorce. I don’t think the second option guarantees custody but it does allow the victim some similar privileges as having a spouse based ARC.

It was on the news. I did that in an effort to repair my body from an injury that was sustained while still with my kids mother. She invited some one over to her home in the year of 2015 and told me he was going to help me with an issue I was having with my back from frequently carrying our child. I told her that I wanted to see what the practice was before having it done on myself and my mother-in-law volunteered to go first. The practice involved jabbing the muscles around the lower part of the back-bone [behind the belly button] from the right to the left. I proceeded to tell my wife that this was a dangerous practice and volunteered myself so as not to create additional friction. It wasn’t long after that time that our child accidentally went through my wifes personal belongings and found something that looked like crystallized amphetamine or ketamine. My wife came home to see what had happened and then started threatening to have me kicked out of her home saying that she wanted to rent her room and so I took our child and left to live in a different residence. I had played numerous tricks after that incident happened in my efforts to create a environment of higher awareness and it has taken about 3 years for me to get enough common sense and patience to start reaching out for assistance.

I recently found out that the practice that had been done on me and my mother-in-law originated from a school of martial arts named Eight Pole or ‘八極’. I have been visiting a chiropractor in my efforts to recover the neurological and physical connections between my brain/spine/other body parts with the hope that it won’t be necessary to sit on a rock like that again. My ex has since apologized and says she didn’t know that the people she invited were trying to hurt me. My understanding of the situation was that the guy that visited the house was friends with the boyfriend that my wife was dating and this was a setup that would have been difficult for most people to exit without getting a few scratches. My kids mother has came home stinking of ketamine smoke around the time that she started seeing this group of friends.

It’s been difficult and I still feel I could have handled the situation better if I had the knowledge, resources, and the spine to request my ex to visit rehab before returning our child to her home.

With proof of her drug use and a lawyer, custody would be yours. Be sure you dont have skeletons though…the wording you use and the actions you claim scream substance use. Nothing personal, and very sorry fory our situation. But if the k smoke can be smelled through a forum, the social workers will have no problem figuring it out…

Sincerely hope the best for your son. Its a shit situation it seems. For everyone.


Would you mind providing a link?

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here: 獨/勸不聽!東區驚見印度男裸體打坐 稱風景好適合練瑜珈 | 社會 | 三立新聞網 SETN.COM


5 posts were split to a new topic: The Strange Case of the Nude Yogi & Other Tales

if you don’t have an ARC, LAF might not give you their service, though you are a parent of an minor who is an ROC citizen, they might take your case, if they think the case is valid.

Other places that might provide some help are new immigrant centers and TransAsia Sisters Association, Taiwan (TASAT).

I am responding to Lawrence-D. I hope you can maintain a good relationship with your son. I don’t think that suing his mom will help you to get more time with your son. It would probably just make her angry so that she would oppose you more vigorously.

You should talk with more than one family law/divorce attorney about the possibility of filing a new case to modify the divorce order, in order to at least gain visitation rights, if not more.

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What would you have said instead?

I’m not sure how strong my evidence on that is at the moment. In fact I hope it never comes to that situation and that she comes around to sharing custody well before that.

Your sense of humour though :sweat_smile:

I’ve heard of numerous stories of crazy Taiwanese mothers being completely irrational. In fact my friend is going through one and it isn’t done after 4+ years. Let’s not jump to conclusions and try not to judge him for now? I understand your sentiment but this gets nothing done, from you or the OP IMO. (I’m a father of 2 kids…yeah)

Blessings. The purpose of this post was to review the options available to me should I wish to file charges on my kids mother. It’s a little tough not to get emotionally charged up considering the circumstances make me look like a villain most of the time [which I am] . I’ve tried to do what could be done as requested by my kids mother and it doesn’t seem to be satisfactory in her mind yet. I’d like to know more about your friends circumstances if you have more details to share.

Would hope it doeant end up in court. But by the sounds of it…it likely will

I would strongly recommend collecting evidence and holding onto it. If you dont need, great. If you need it and dont have any, not great

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For those who are interested and might have an extra ordinary situation similar to mine; it is certainly possible to go through the mediation system with the support of LAF to obtain custody for a child born to a Taiwanese mother. It took me approximately 4-5 months from the time of my application to entering mediation with a moderate amount of back and forth for paperwork. There were 4 mediation proceedings in total, 2 of which my ex didn’t show up to. I was provided 10% guardianship as of the 2nd mediation and was given 90% at the 4th. My ex and I didn’t end up in court battling out anything and we settled after I refused to accept her offer of taking 10% guardianship. The lawyer placed in my service was helpful and guided me through the jigsaw of family law. My wife has been supportive and was right at my side through the entire process. And most importantly, I am finally allowed to enjoy my time with my son and catching up on a lot of missed moments. It’s been interesting and it certainly is possible even for a person that is living day to day in terms of finances and being classified visa exempt doesn’t help. I’m hoping to change over to a JFRV, take a vacation on a remote island somewhere in the pacific, and switch over to an ARC when the virus/border complications settle.


Thanks for the update!
Good to hear things got better for you!


That’s really great news! I’m very happy for you.


So, you ended up marrying your girlfriend that you had been living with back in 2019?

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You have been married twice so you know the pitfalls of marriage

So you are right to not jump right into another one

That would be like jumping from a fire to one that could be another fire

You could theoretically get another child with the third wife and go through something similar again

Apparently being the foreigner in Taiwan you may have a very hard to impossible time to enforce any rights to see your child

Your ex may feel at this stage that you are a disruption to her ( she feels the child is hers and not shared I would surmise) child and herself and therefore not want to be encumbered .

Your position is unenviable

‘Wanr/need to stay in Taiwan to have a chance to see your child (a noble wish that many dads can’t be bothered with ) but can’t work without getting married and your option there is not yet
An option and may not be

And even if you get married you have the other hurdle of finding a job or something else
To do that brings in money

And being broke is a real strain on a marriage

And after all that you may still not be able to see your child

You are between several rocks and a hard place

Good luck to you sir

You are in a sitcom without the com


Ps I should maybe read the thread before replying to one early post

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Yes you should. :grin:



Yes. My papers were on the way in just before the virus struck.

What’s the point of getting married if there isn’t a little heat involved Tommy?

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