Fire safety when renting an apartment

Two die in a caged trap.


I got fire extinguishers, fire alarms and only one shaky emergency exit.

You can buy time for rescue and escape with a special hood. About 500 NTDs online, disposable.

These cages should be removed everywhere, it’s an eyesore and dangerous.

They had a door in it and couldn’t escape? Firemen couldn’t enter?

They probably had a anti-burglar door on their entrance, they are also deadly dangerous when locked shut with two or three locks.


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Someone should invent an emergency door removal system that works from the inside or when it detects a fire… Like a bunch of shaped charge that can blow the bars off in an emergency.

Then burglars would just start a small fire when they want to break in somewhere…

Pretty sure shaped charge make a lot of noise when it goes off…

and if a burglar sets a fire, now instead of a more minor charge of burglary, now it’s up to arson.

Yeah, I’m sure that getting some chabuduo workmen to install explosives on everyone’s balconies that fling metal bars across the street when activated will lead to an overall improvement in safety…