Flat tire hours after my ride

Look at that badass TT bike.


I just noticed while watching replays that Chris Froome won the stage 8 of TDF 2017 by 13 seconds on a flat rear tubular.

this was after his most amazing Col de la Peysourde descent immediately preceding (well, it was powered by salbutamol, but that doesn’t really matter on a massive descent like that)…

so he picked up a rear flat and still powered home at 35 km/h, some 13s in front of the peloton. on a flat tire.

i rest my case for the defence of tubs.

Couldn’t argue with that. Pro racing. Pretty sure they’ll all be on tubs, but they have minions to replace them, or team cars/neutral service/team mates to give 'em a new wheel.

In the real world, inhabited by the majority of recreational cyclists, the option of clinchers and a couple of spare tubes in your pocket works pretty well.


As much as I want to agree with you, that’s pro peleton cycling…

I rest my case.

Jeez I feel like a dinosaur reading this thread , clinchers versus tubs. First you would need to know what a clincher is, I’m having different images come to mind.

PelOtOn :wink:

Think pair of bike wheels

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Goooogle is your friend :wink:

Also, tubeless to consider, these days.

If you have a minute, have a gander at this:


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My previous reply is completely null because of a grammar error.

urodacus won’t let me forget this day…ever.

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Grammar looks fine. Shame about the spelling. :wink:

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