Fonts for typing Taiwanese (Holo)

I’m trying to get the fonts for Win XP by mailing to an address given on one of the Maryknoll websites. However, I get the impression they are reluctant to provide “outsiders” with their material (only for their own students or church circles).
Does any one have the Marknoll Taiwanese fonts? Is there an alternative (for typing Church romanisation)?
I found on the net that there is also a font called HoloWin and a package called Hotsys.
I’d appreciate any hints.
I am fluent in Mandarin (spoken, reading and writing) and now in the early stage of learning Taiwanese. I’m interested in getting into touch with anybody with the same interest or experience in learning Taiwanese, esp. concerning the best strategy for learning it when it comes to tone changes etc.

Best wishes,


See the links at Tailingua, by Forumosa’s own Taffy.