⚽ Football | World Cup 2022

That would be SO cool! If after six hours, no one has scored, just turn it into an MMA 11-on-11 cage match with the two goals connected to make the cage.
The French would have choked out Argentina with Mbappe finishing off Messi in a twister.

I thought about every two minutes, one player from each team has to leave. After 10 minutes, it will be six vs six. More space will make it easier to score.

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YES! And if it comes down to the two goaltenders, use two balls.

I grew up in the Middle East (am not Middle Eastern/see Queen Elizabeth posts) and even I thought it was a tad weird. Looked like something women wear over lingerie.

i don’t care about football but that was worth putting on a vpn just to see. electric. kind of wish i’d watched the game last night now…


That was a creepy moment.

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Macron :sob:
Mbappe :unamused:

I felt bad for Mbappe… and then I saw his annual salary is 91 million euro.

He’ll be okay.

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Money isn’t what makes him run anymore, I’d wager.

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He can give it to me then. :smirk:

What would you do with 91 million?

I’m not even sure. But paying off my mortgage, starting a college fund for my kids, maybe getting a much nicer apartment and car… would be a start. So after that, just have to think about the remaining 89 million. :face_with_monocle:


He won a World Cup already, even scored a goal in the last final. So I don’t feel sorry for him, at all.

Yeah. I did notice that too. And after half time there were pockets of empty seats around the stadium very strange.
But, all in all, best world cup in terms of games that I can remember. Qatar got very lucky with this one.

Can always trust the Yanks to make things tacky with a Budweiser trophy. :face_vomiting:

Used to be in England that after extra time, if no one won, there would be a replay match 2 days later on a Monday night for big competitions. From what I recall, everyone lost interest in the replay since it was back to work for most people and the excitement gone.

The penalties are not perfect. But I have to admit its huge drama and makes good TV!

Also, there used to be a “golden goal” extra time for some games. Now that works really well. Whoever score next goal in over time wins. Don’t see that anymore. That’s a great option imho.

Start a college fund? Pay the whole thing Scrooge

Yes I liked that, really sit on edge of your seat, one game I remembered nearly went on for another hour!