For foreigners who want to sign up to APT and their $x99 plans

Yea. Sim card is turned off until they get it all in order. I know because my DaGeDa is still online.

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3 day sale, unlimited internet for $196/m, 2 year contract.

I wanted to upgrade my $299 12gb data plan to $499 unlimited plan and the best they could do was $599 and I start a new contract for 2 years and they cancel my old one for free.

Still thinking it over.

Who are you with?


That’s pretty good for $599 assuming that is the real unlimited speed one and not the 21mbps limited speed plan.

@Marco $19x is a great rate, I’m paying $249 a month for the same

That’s what I pay for my 大哥大 unlimited plan. It doesn’t have throttling of the speed, but in the evenings it seems their servers/networks get overloaded and the speed slows down a LOT. The speed is very unstable. Because of this, I’m considering going back to 中華 when my contract is up. Pretty sure I only have until June.

It’s on till 21st Feb.

@Zapman Do you know what the speed of it is?

My current $299 deal is 23mbps I think or 23.4, 24.3 somewhere there. Def not more than 25.

I did not ask what the the new $599 deal’s speed was that they quoted me on.
I drive 90km a day for work now, 45/45 and I wanted to listen to podcasts on YouTube and watch Netflix on my phone if I am waiting somewhere.

I guess I can just download podcasts to my phone and not watch Netflix and save some money lol.

Unlimited is nice though… Still pondering.

New Update:

APT Called me today asking for me to give someone else’s telephone number to them or they will breach the contract by cancelling it. Means I need to double down. Company policy is that you need to find willing people with a phone number for an unknown reason since they couldn’t answer me why. I think it’s a new policy since I forced them to back down with their guarantor. I’m not giving away private information of my friends without consent and I don’t want to even have others on the account. I’m going to drag them kicking and screaming into the 21st Century.

I know the deal. The management and customer service can’t speak English. They always freak out when I ask for English so I use Chinese.

Then she got frustrated as I was slow as far as she was concerned so she asked to speak to a Taiwanese. Luckily a friend was nearby.

They are just being lazy so that they have a friend to speak to in Chinese.

What was the reason they gave you? And the line is already active but they are threatening to close it? Not legal
Time for another ncc complaint it seems.

Those fools still didn’t return my deposit as promised.

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Quick update. Successfully signed up. All is well. Employee put own number into system as “Backup number”

Deposit was $2400. They required me to carry a piece of paper as proof of my deposit (Don’t know why in 2019 I need a piece of paper as proof when it should be digitally on the computer and in the records reminding them to give back money when cancelling)

6GB Full speed. Unlimited at 21mbps. Has Voice over Wifi for that dead zone in my house. No worries. Little sacrifices compared to 5 years as a third class citiz-I mean pay as you go cards.

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That’s great. They refuse to answer emails to them in English. All other carriers will no problem. Will need to hammer out a Chinese email . I suspect nobody wants to deal with my issue.

Yeah. I fear for my deposit if I have to leave Taiwan. I expressed this multiple times on the issue. Do you want me to get my MP involved? I can let them know.

Thanks for the offer. I’ve been holding out on the big guns until I return soon. Will use those guys for big issues. :slight_smile:

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Well, it also strengthens my position on the rights of foreign nationals if multiple people are complaining. It is visual evidence that shows that the problem isn’t just me but affecting other people as well. I’m using this issue to build towards the dual nationality problem. Gotta build relationships somehow.

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I have used APT for about a month now. It seems to be good, there’s a bit of a dead zone inside my house but It has Voice Over Wifi so it seems to work OK. That feature will come in handy when I am in Canada.

Now that this is done. Who would like to use Taiwan Star? They’re still stuck in their xenophobic ways and I don’t want to let them have all the fun of requiring THE MIGHTY TAIWANESE GUARANTOR!

Hi! Want to give you guys a warning!

APT has now switched so if you aren’t paying more than $400 per month, then they will send you a bill every two months. This might happen to you too on your telco as well.

The switch was made quietly and I didn’t get my bill this month despite it being due yesterday. Careful! You know these BMW Gods laobans will screw it up royally and then blame you or ‘grade’ you as a bad customer. They always find a way to put you in an impossible situation and then blame it on you when you inevitably trip.


Be vigilant!


Sounds like an accounting. Did you get something official and recorded somehow?

I only use CHT due to coverage issues but they havent seemed to be acting shady in a while.

I record every telephone call i make and receive. It’s automatically set that way.

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