For foreigners who want to sign up to APT and their $x99 plans

Smart. This is the new standard these years for sure. No longer tinfoil hat territory. They need to be held accountable. Hats off to you.


I wish I could add a message when it’s ringing.

Your call is being recorded for quality assurance purposes.....and to cover my ass cause you bloody companies can't be arsed to do your jobs properly.

By the way. I threatened lawyers, NCC, and parliament on this call. I hate that I always have to take a nuke to an anthill.

I started recording telephone calls and interactions ever since I started fighting the one and only Buxiban job I will ever do. The amount of times he got petty with me, I needed protection. I won the lawsuit for unlawful dismissal.

Which app do you use for recording?
Every app I tried stopped working on Android 10…

Built-in ASUS Dialler has an automatic record feature.