Forbes controversial article:don't marry a career woman

[url=Cheating and Forgiveness - #38 by Tigerman Agree with that sentiment. I’ve always disliked the way so many men/boys and women/girls use that word. Never liked the double standard.[/url]

then we should obliterate the terms bastard, prick, dick, wuss, and any other things against males.

in my opinion a husband who sleeps around on a good woman is a bastard. a woman who sleeps around is a slut.

hey, when it comes to guitar effects, i’m a “gear slut”. i say that proudly. i’m a pedal geek. i’m an echo whore. i’m a bitch for effects. i spend my hard earned cash on those things. i’m such a shameful slut.^^

slut slut slut slut i am!^^

Not following your logic.

A bastard is a male person without a father [wedded to his mother].

The problem is the double standard. We celebrate men who get lots of sex, and villify women who do the same.

Seems wrong to me.

I don’t think we celebrate men who get a lot of sex, at least I don’t. The fantasy world of movies a la James Bond is quite different from the real world. Would you be impressed if a man told you he had shagged hundreds of women? I wouldn’t. I would actually think the guy was a loser.

Well, I didn’t mean you and I. I meant society. In general.

Movies and 007 may not be real world, but most men who have sex with lots of different women are not generally referred to derisively as “sluts”. The term “slut” is typically used in a derogatory way to describe a type of woman who enjoys sex with many different men. Contrastingly, a man who sexes up lots of different women is often referred to, admiringly, as a “stud”.

I’d neither be impressed nor think the guy a loser. I would, however, think it odd that he was sharing such information with me.

You obviously didn’t understand the basis for the objection, which was the double standard (that men can sleep around, but women who do are denigrated). The terms you list are more parallel to, say, ‘bitch’.

I agree that the term ‘slut’ is fundamentally unfair and should be eliminated from our lexicon.

ever heard this taiwan saying?:

nan ren shr dz ruan, nu shen tchai shr jien. double standard i know. but when women start being as prosmiscuous as men, the whole world’s gonna fall.

Just like the whole social order collapsed when blacks could use the same bathrooms and women were allowed to vote. Yeah, we know, yadayadayada

not in the same category. somebody’s gotta keep the whole thing in line. we guys are always following our dicks. if women do the same thing(with their organs of course), who’s gonna steer us the right way?

doesn’t the hand that rocks the cradle rule the world? women have been given incredible power.they can have sex anytime. men cannot have sex anytime. we are the chasers. it’s the chase-ees market. if women acted on all the opportunities for sex that are available (and trust me, there are ALWAYS men looking for sex somewhere) then… i shudder to think of it.

it’s not an equality issue. give you an example:

three tough guys sitting at a table. your wife goes and sits by them. three guys vying to see who can fuck her.

opposite: you go sit by three flooseys. what’s the difference?

weak entering strong’s domain vs strong entering weaks domain. the floosey’s can only use their charm to get you. the guys can use their muscle to overpower her.

this is just one example of how women shouldn’t so the same things men do.

i can’t stand women who think everything’s equal. who see no difference between men and women.

other examples:

girl puts head on guys shoulder vs boy puts head on girl’s shoulder: which one looks strange?

girl "sa jiao"s with boy to get him to do something vs boy sa jiao. which one looks pussy?

it’s not equal. equal before God. but we’re not the same. if boys do what girls do, it looks pussy. if girls do what boys do, it looks bitch. that’s all i’m saying.

This is the answer to your high IQ/ high education question. You may have a high IQ but things like this don’t make people think too highly of your thought process.

So what would be so incredibly bad about people having sex all the time? Seriously? How is this such a horrible thing? What is wrong with sex? I mean I understand that it can spread disease, but condoms and spermicide can help with this issue. If everyone has sex with everyone is the world going to end? Are we going to erupt into a big ball of fire caused by the friction of our bodies rubbing together? I don’t get it!!!

And the only reason why you think guys look pussy when they do things like rest their heads on a woman’s shoulder (which my man has done before and I LOVED it) is that you have very strangely thick ideas of machismo.

And the only reason why you think guys look pussy when they do things like rest their heads on a woman’s shoulder (which my man has done before and I LOVED it) is that you have very strangely thick ideas of machismo.[/quote]

SuchAFob, from what you write on this site, about your ‘man’ I have to ask, which one of you wears the trousers in that relationship? He sounds girly and effete, and you sound butch and surly.

The poster, boys disgrace themselves by acting girly in front of their women for sex.

Dragonbones: Why are you talking about blacks? Circular logic helps no-one, and even helps to keep posters like Loretta feel subjugated. (From what I read in another thread.)

If the word ‘SLUT’ goes, what will these guys call themselves? Might I suggest ‘Gash.’

Well, he isn’t a chauvinist. So no one has to “wear the pants” thank god. We have an EQUAL relationship. Which I’m sure is a strange idea to some people.

He lets you think your relationship is equal. Wow, he IS good. :wink:

I do hope you realize that you are doing nothing more than proving my point about chauvinistic people.

As are you proving that you are surly.

I’m no chauvinist, but I can pretend to be one. Are you pretending to be surly?

my wife even told me that putting my head on her shoulder looks girly.

But your wife is emotionally abusive from what you post here. I wouldn’t think an abusive person would be the appropriate judge of what is appropriate.

That would be counterproductive superking. Women get sexually turned on when a man acts like a man. In serious relationships, it becomes safe for men to open up and show vulnerability, which in turn strengthens trust and emotional dependence between a couple, but I doubt that gets them more sex. He’s got to retain some level of manliness to keep the physical passion alive.

In my opinion, a good relationship is one where a man can let down his guard when he’s with his lady, but still step up and be a man. And a woman can be intelligent, witty and tough, but still allow herself to be soft and feminine.

Also, I think that a wise woman will let her man be “girly” when they are alone, but always make him feel like a man in public. This may be an old-fashioned concept, but it’s one that should still ring true today. It worked for my grandparents, and they had a great relationship for more than 50 years. Most of us today can only hope to be so fortunate.

Girly and vulnerable at home, a real manly man in public.

Reminds me of the lady in public, whore in the bedroom concept.

I’m really glad that you understood the heart of my post Quentin.

At home, men should wear women’s lingerie, listen to Michael Bolton, and cry while watching Korean soap operas. In public they should drink vast quantities of beer, fart a lot, and scratch their balls.

This is the kind of man that every girl dreams about.