Foreigners avoiding each other

A lot of us have a history we want to run from in our home countries. A foreigner is more likely to blow your cover than your average Taiwanese amah.


This would explain the beards too


Nah my skin gets irritated when I shave. It took me one hour to shave last night. We need a shaving thread. I mean full on viking beard not one of those Goate things.


Luckily I have little facial hair. It’s grey and soft, so a shave every two days is fine. And with the continual mask-wearing, I’m able to extend it to three days, sometimes.
I just don’t get why so many laowai men sport beards. Is it considered sexy or is it just because they can?


Got beard as well now. Nearly four weeks off / I teach at public school/ so no need to look smart. If I go out I put the mask on. Want to shave it today, will be a nightmare :laughing:
Yesterday I bumped into group of my students. One of them noticed my beard and then they wanted me to take my mask off to show them my new look :grinning:

It is comfortable I can play with it. I do not wear a red baseball cap however. Today I am clean shaven. I might even go outside if it stops raining. Feel free to give me a nod but I will not make the first “nod”.

How will I know which waiguoren is you? Ah! You’re the only one without a beard!

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I have a very old face but a muscular body. I look unfriendly , but I am not , I often buy tea eggs at the 7/11 and have bad teeth but lovely eyes to go with the clean shaven look. I do not nod in advance but will return nods. :rofl:
How would that do on Tinder left swipe or right?

I’m more confused as to why the shaved head look is so popular.


It is because when one is balding it evens out the hair, so the left and right areas of the head do not look like they have horns sprouting out. It also helps reduce dandruff and has nothing to do with Van Diesel.


It’s probably because people are losing hair, and look better with a totally bald pate, rather than a shiny bit in the middle, and tufts growing out of the sides.


That’s not really called for. I’m a foreign woman and I have come to be friends with a quite a few other foreign women here. None of us glare at white men in Taipei. You’re imagining things.


Are THAT many people balding?

It always seems like it’s everywhere here. Yet back in Canada. Very few.

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Please find a cure.

Maybe there is truth in the rain hypothesis. :rofl:


Yep that is exactly my buddy’s logic back in the states. Can’t blame him really. I too would rather look like Mr Clean, compared to the alternative.

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I wish they would glare at me :wink:

The alternative ? :rage:

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I’m not imagining things. Merely speaking from experience. It could be that I’m being glared at simply because I’m ugly, though.

You cannot be ugly you have Presley in your name.

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