Forumosa being DDOS'd?

Forumosa seems to get slower everyday, and I’m beginning to wonder if the problem isn’t a DDOS (distributed denial of service) attack. The most likely source of such an attack would be mainland China. It’s no secret that most of the the postings in the “Taiwan Politics” section are pro-independence, and I’m sure that this has not gone unnoticed by China’s army of ultra-nationalistic geeks.

I know this isn’t the political part of the forum, and I’m not posting this message so that we can have a discussion about pan-green/blue politics, or “China sucks” rants, etc. My purpose here is to see if any of you have enough expertise in intrusion detection and recovery to find out if we (actually, Gus) can detect this and stop it? I would guess an IDS (intrusion detection system) like Snort might be useful, but I’m not experienced with it. Is anybody here up to speed on this? If we detect an attack, is there any way to divert it? I’m not actually that hopeful, as I know large companies have trouble fending off DDOS attacks.


It is getting rather painful.

Perhaps I should delete all the pro-independance posts and foster more pro-China ones. Then see if the site speeds up.
Oh, and put up an apology to China banner on each page.

[quote=“wolf_reinhold”]Perhaps I should delete all the pro-independance posts and foster more pro-China ones. Then see if the site speeds up.
Oh, and put up an apology to China banner on each page.[/quote]
Nah. Just report forumosa to the Chinese authorities; they’ll put it on their list of blocked sites, and noone from inside China will be able to access it! A bit hard to do a DDOS attack if your government denies you access :laughing:

I think it must be TLJ, aka our friendly neighbourhood Tealit admin :laughing:

Nah. Just report forumosa to the Chinese authorities; they’ll put it on their list of blocked sites, and noone from inside China will be able to access it! A bit hard to do a DDOS attack if your government denies you access :laughing:[/quote]

You know, that’s a clever idea. Just put up a big Falun Gong section in Chinese, plus some Chinese dissident literature. Then email the links to prominent web sites in China. That could actually work.

You guys are so silly. Just concur with me on all point in the Taiwan Politics forum and if it is a Mainland attack they will stop.

Anyways here is the network hop problem. Just tell the host to look up this connectivity latency issue and if they are worth their salt it should be solved next business day.


even if it is china, it stands to reason that making them more aware of diessenting opinion would emphasize their need to re-educate forumosa, and while the common citizen would be barred, you’d get a bunch of govt wankers working on it, and making … it … even … slower (if that’s possible).

not outside the realm of possibility.

[quote=“ac_dropout”]You guys are so silly. Just concur with me on all point in the Taiwan Politics forum and if it is a Mainland attack they will stop.


ac is obviously the spearhead of the attack. i recommend deleting all his posts :wink: :laughing: :bravo: