Forumosa vs. Taiwaneasy, Forumosa then vs. now

Did we moan much at the time? I can’t remember. My guess is we had a fair old moan. :smiley:


No Gain, No Pain! (Sorry Gain :wink:)

Oh Gain… I wonder if he trash-talks this place on the sub reddit.

Lots of them do over there.

Yes a lot of people moaned a lot !

A bit ironic considering he has such a “positive” name, tends to bring a fair share of negativity.

It’s only negative if you disagree with him.

Is it positive? I mean you can say “I gained a lot of debt…”

That’s positive for the financial institution you owe.

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Or weight.

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ooooh, deep :bamboo:

If you said grass is green, Gain would find a way to disagree with that.

No it isn’t.

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So everyone who disagrees with one is being “negative”?

That’s a positive if you have bulimia.

Have you ever read one of Gain’s posts when he’s arguing a point?

You’re puking up your food and still gaining weight? Doesn’t sound too healthy.

Is that a rhetorical question?

Defending gain is a noble yet ultimately hopeless cause.

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And most of whom don’t live in Taiwan or are ABCs living in Taiwan