Found Puppy Needs a Home

My wife and I found a lost dog recently and haven’t been able to find her owner. It seems likely that she was abandoned, which is a shame, because she’s really a lovely dog. She’s a really sweet, loving, energetic pup who always seems pretty happy-go-lucky. She’s also quite smart as she has already learned to sit and high five in just a few days with us. We’d keep her ourselves, but don’t think we can handle another dog in our apartment. Anyway, here’s some more tangible info about her:

Sex: female
Age: less than one year
Size: Med/Large - right now she weighs 19 kilos, but judging from the size of her paws, she’ll still grow quite a bit.
Color: Black and light brown
Breed: looks like Rottweiler, but could possibly be a mix with a bit of Lab, German Shepherd, or the ubiquitous Taiwan Land Dog.
Health: In very good health now, after some washing, debugging, and medication.
Location: New Taipei City, Xindian

If anybody is interested in adopting this lovely pup, please let me know. I can assure you she’d always greet your arrival with an excited smile and lots of love. See below for photos and info in Chinese if you have any local friends interested in adopting.

Cheers. … 021&type=1

【開放認養】胖胖(ToT本人可能只能照顧到8/17 ,請多多分享,胖胖謝謝你)
發現時間:2014. 8. 5 上午8點30分
外觀: 無晶片,黑黃混色,中型,體重約19KG
健康狀況: 健康已除蟲
個性: 憨憨的非常親人,總是笑咪咪,不護食,愛玩,不太叫除非有人在公寓樓下逗留,很討厭郵差。原本不會任何指令,目前已經學會坐下。

Just wanted to leave a quick update. We found her a new home and wish her all the best!