Fred Frontier

Maybe because there are so many more teachers than editors and engineers?[/quote]
And what, they’ve built up to some sort of critical mass that causes Lemming like behaviour? :wink: Not wishing to start a flame war, but I guess most professionals come here with a purpose and specific goal in mind, whereas a lot of non-professional teachers are simply wandering around Asia, trying out new places etc., and are liable to disappear at the drop of a hat.

Plus, of course, the average engineer or editor is a hell of a lot smarter than your average teacher. That much, at least, is obvious.

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:blush: Whatcha mean buddy? :sunglasses:
Wanna settle this outside :x :wink:
You go outside and wait for me. I may be some time, so, start without me.

Excellent Sandie. Have to post my thoughts, now that we are ratingless.

But still literary agents are even smarter than editors and engineers.

Hell, I can’t even lose my mind properly.

Wait. So you’re saying you have to be smart not to disappear from Taiwan? You must be a teacher. :wink:

Fred’s shacked up somewhere with Val.

Fred Frontier

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If he ventured alone into a national park, he could easily have met with an accident in there. They’re dangerous places for those who aren’t familiar with them, and if he wandered off-trail, there’s not much chance of anyone finding him. He could have been bitten by a snake, attacked by bees, had a bad fall, been struck by falling rocks, got caught in a snare, drowned in a fast-flowing stream, all kinds of possibilities. There was another guy, a hardy and experienced outdoorsman, who came here on holiday and went missing in a national park a couple or more years ago. His dad came here to do what he could and egg on the searchers, but they never found any trace of him.

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No Trekkie jokes yet?

Maybe he found a secret stash of “Da Ma”, found a secret community living nearby on a secret secluded beach. Cut off from the outside world he is forced to make love 7 times a day with the leader of the community, Val.

I wonder if he left a map leading to the community.

Laughing at some else’s misfortune. How very kind of those of you who use it as a cheap excuse to make jokes.

The guy is missing, apparently. I fail to see the humor in that.

[quote=“monkey”]Why is it always teachers that “go missing”? Ok, ok, we had an ahem, “professor,” disappear a little while ago … Why is it that editors and engineers never seem to disappear and have rewards offered in the newspapers for finding them?[/quote]Or maybe people notice when a teacher disappears, who would miss an engineer ?

Sorry for the resposts, I’m not good at this. :imp:

[quote=“Juba”]Fred’s shacked up somewhere with Val.

Or perhaps with hotmamma Seems he was looking for someone[/i]

[quote=“Tomas”]Laughing at some else’s misfortune. How very kind of those of you who use it as a cheap excuse to make jokes.

The guy is missing, apparently. I fail to see the humor in that.[/quote]

How unfortunate.

We don’t know what has happened to the guy, life is like that.

As per usual, Boss Hogg makes no sense.

We don’t know what happened to him, so we make fun of him? Is this a rare strain of Hazzard County logic?

If this guy was a member of your family, it wouldn’t be so funny. I’m sort of wondering what brand of Christianity (you have professed to be a Christian) you subscribe to–is there one which celebrates the misfortunes of others?

I disagree with you Tomas. It is normal to make fun of the real, or in this case, imagined misfortunes of people we don’t know. Maybe not always in good taste, but normal. I remember when Ethiopian jokes were all the rage - everyone had heard them and they were usually repeated with the prefaced “I know this is terrible but…”

Buddy disappeared. We don’t know if tragedy befell him or not. Throw Hess, personal ads offering sexual services, visiting mothers and photographs of nipple rings into the mix and the situation is ripe for comedy. I’m sure the jokers among us would sober up quickly if tragedy were confirmed.

And the “you’re a lousy Christian” comment was uncalled for. I’m sure there are very few Christians (or Jews, Buddhists, Hindus or Muslims) that could measure up to your exacting standards. God forbid that every one of my words and deeds is measured against my faith - I surely would be found wanting. :frowning:

Normal for who? Mean-spirited people who like to take cheap shots at people who run into trouble? Turn the tables for a moment and think about how you’d feel if it were you that were missing. You return to find that people think it’s hilarious that you possibly ran into trouble, and that your personal life was fodder for online jokes. It’s always funny when it’s someone else, isn’t it?

I only really hold people to standards they profess to.

Ai-yo. The guy was online, publically looking for a shag and displaying his nipple rings. So much for personal life. :unamused: Open season. :laughing: If I knew that something happened to him and that he wasn’t ducking his soon-to-join-him mother, I might post differently. Anyway, most humour pokes fun of other people’s misfortune. Titanic jokes, dumb blonde jokes, taliban jokes, Iraq jokes - you want to proscribe them all? :?

And I don’t recall Boss Hogg professing to uphold Christian standards in his posts. Maybe religious standards are the kinds of standards that everyone aspires to, but noone can perfectly uphold.

Anyway, it’s not much fun to have your faith called into question every time you take someone to task for silliness. “What kind of a Christian are you!?” I’d move to North Dakota if I wanted that. :x

Sorry, but I’m not convinced. I don’t call anyone’s faith into question each and every time they post, but this horse has been beaten to death, and I think we’re getting boring.

Next time I see you, Maoman, the first beer is one me. Same goes for Boss Hogg. Peace.

[quote=“Tomas”]As per usual, Boss Hogg makes no sense.

We don’t know what happened to him, so we make fun of him? Is this a rare strain of Hazzard County logic?

If this guy was a member of your family, it wouldn’t be so funny. I’m sort of wondering what brand of Christianity (you have professed to be a Christian) you subscribe to–is there one which celebrates the misfortunes of others?[/quote]

The heat has been getting to you hasn’t it.

Missing - People can’t find him. I am missing too, people can’t find me either. For all we know he is laughing it up somewhere and in his own time he will appear. Some people do that you know. Why is it that everyone wishes to believe the worst.

If this guy was a member of my family - as a matter of fact my older brother went missing. It was quite funny really, he pretended to be a Swiss backpacker travelling through New Zealand and having conversations in broken English with anyone that would pick him up. He too thought it would be a great idea to go off into the bush alone and get back to nature. He got hypothermia and DIED - no, I am not kidding. He didn’t appear. Nevertheless I am not going to get all morbid for Fred and put him in a grave somewhere, let’s believe the best for Fred and be sad if their ever prooves to be a need.

I am not celebrating the misfortune of others, we don’t know that he has experienced any misfortune. He could be just an irresponsable guy who isn’t letting anyone know where he is. On the Christian point - Boss Hogg has said that he is a Christian? That would have been Bassman, a previous incarnation of Boss Hogg, who was hijacked by a co-worker. Christianity has nothing to do with this. Concerned about Fred? - Yes.

Think that this thread is in bad taste? - No

My suggestion is that if you don’t like the thread then don’t read it. It is that easy.

[quote=“Tomas”]Sorry, but I’m not convinced. I don’t call anyone’s faith into question each and every time they post, but this horse has been beaten to death, and I think we’re getting boring.

Next time I see you, Maoman, the first beer is one me. Same goes for Boss Hogg. Peace.[/quote]

Boss Hogg doesn’t drink. He’s a Christian.