Free 3 Day Memory Training Summit in Pingtung 為期三天的免費記憶訓練課程在屏東!

If you are anything like me - remembering new words is bloody difficult. Doesn’t matter whether you are trying to learn English or Chinese - trying to remember difficult vocabulary only to find it keeps vanishing just when you need it really sucks bigtime. Just yesterday I was down at my post office trying to ask if they had a… for me, then I realized I’d forgotten the word for parcel… Needless to say much embarrassment ensued. Especially since I was afraid to use the word 信 Xin and get it mixed up wth 性 Xing - I didn’t want to ask the cashier for sex!

But if you are down in Pingtung the weekend of 11/21 we have a real treat for you! The Two Oxford Masters Matt and Luiz have teamed up with LQ Global Creative Master Davis, and Principal Qiming Zhuang to bring you a weekend of memory mastery - what they are going to show you is absolutely going to blow your mind!

The event starts on Friday with the keynote speech - 7.00pm at Pingtung Government Centre No. 69 Dalian Road Pingtung - It’s totally free and you can register on our facebook event page Or you can book one of the open seminars at 10am, 1pm or 6pm simply by calling - [color=#FF8000]
[/color] - also totally 100% free. Because they are nice like that!

Finally catch a preview of the event right here!

Hope to see you there!



參加他們 11/21(五) 晚上7~9:30 在屏東文化中心五樓演講廳(大連路69號)的現場示範,

你也可以預約11/22(六)、11/23(日) 早上10點、下午1點及6點 在屏東救國團社教館(中華路80-1號)參加免費的研討會,

趕快撥打免付費電話 0800-80-80-71(幫你-幫你-記憶)預約座位!或上facebook報名….
