【FREE! Party time 】Meet new friends at college

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Chung Yuan Christian University(中原大學) would like to cordially invite any of the foreign travelers who are traveling to Taiwan to pay a visit to our school and participate in our international exchange activity with us! In this event, there will be some interactions with the students through;

  1. Playing games with them
  2. Chatting with each other
  3. Sharing some information of your country and even your travel experiences.
    We hope that this would be a fun activity and through these would help our students to improve their English communication skills! After the event, we will be visiting Chung Yuan night market together. Refreshments will be provided on the day. Besides that, one night of couch surfing will be provided by us for five of our foreign travelers.
  4. We will be picking you up from the front exit of Zhongli train station to Chung Yuan Christian University
  5. Taking 155、156 bus at Zhongli bus station by yourselves, and get off at “Chung Yuan Christian University” stop.

Location: Chung Yuan Christian University International Community Hall

Adress: No.200, Jhongbei Rd., Jhongli Dist., Taoyuan City 32023, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Time: 9/22 Friday. 5:30pm ~ 8:00pm

We are looking for:

  1. Backpackers from any country to have a relaxing afternoon tea with us. (Free,offer tea、soft drink、snack、cake、Taiwanese food …)
  2. Five Backpackers for one night couch surfing. (Free, offer 5 position couch to 5 people. )

Welcome Join our Party!
Registration website:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf8wXMlo8A47sNHe_TODmQUBZPHIdxXfuznbp5UB0TqR1dSWw/viewform?usp=send_form

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Phone number: +886-32652148
Email: kiki5206438@cycu.edu.tw

(All are free . Please feel free to join Us)

Kiki Shen 琪芮
Extracurricular Activities Division Of Chung Yuan Christian University(中原大學)