Free pornography, a discussion

I have to ask, is this a bid for nice topic? Oh, wait, you admitted it upthread. Personally, I’d start something like a Possum of the Day thread if that were my goal.

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i was advised to use something clickbaity, which the original thread title was

anyways, it’s all just laughs, i’ll get the badge when i get it (or not). that said, don’t see any like from you up there…

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What if you’re a minor, or an animal, or a dungeon master?

As the old saying goes, porn gets eyeballs, possums get likes.

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I’m not against pornography. In fact, I could be considered a fan of it. But, there is a time and place and a certain maturity required for its use.

So, how can I claim the opinion that it’s bad for society as a whole?

I could write an entire book justifying my position on this matter because there are so many aspects, but I will address simply the effect that pornography has on children and young adults.

Nowadays, for many young people, pornography has become the default sex educator. Children and teens and young adults are encountering pornography in greater numbers, at younger ages, and with a wider variety of content, influencing young people’s sexual lives, experiences and attitudes.

Back in my days, pornography was illegal and extremely hard to get. Playboy Magazine, which is tame by today’s standards, was pretty much the only game in town to which we could get our hands on and that was still very rare times. Playboy was pretty much a magazine which gave us a lustful look at a mature women’s bodies in tasteful poses. There was nothing too explicit or in your face. There was still room for imagination.

Besides the occasional rare Playboy which was treasured and cared for like a rare piece of artwork, the only opportunity for sexual experimentation was a neighborhood girl.

The old “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” was the best way to experience “sex” for the first times and in my opinion was and should still be the best way to develop a healthy attitude and respect for sexual encounters. Some of my earliest and fondest memories are when Bonnie would invite me over to her house when her parents weren’t home to “watch TV”, which was her code for “Come over and fool around”. Ahhh, the memories. Practical application for the sake of scientific study of human biology. Wonderful.

However, none of this is necessary or widely practiced anymore. With a connection to the Internet, a few clicks of a mouse or a few taps on a smartphone, the wonder and mysteries of real sex, real relationships and how to build them in a healthy way are immediately destroyed. It’s sad to think that the majority of children, teens and young adults receive their first introduction to sexual experiences through a passive pornographic video versus another actual person.

And there’s many more troubling aspects which could fill volumes of research books such as sexism, objectification, violence and aggression, unsafe sex practices, reduction in intimacy, unrealistic expectations, and on and on.

Practical application and personal experimentation and exploration is the best and most healthy way for children, teens and young adults to learn, experience and develop healthy sexual habits and attitudes.

I’m so glad that I grew up in the era that I did and had to learn intimacy and sex the old fashioned way, with another human being. I feel sorry for the kids these days.


Touché, …, but I was using your prior post as an example :wink:

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Then it’s bad.

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Damn, you live by a harsh moral code… :open_mouth:

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what about a dwarf? a dwarf is a miner, a non-human, and a master of dungeons…


You stole this from Penthouse Forum, didn’t you?


I can see the positives and negatives, but I’m not erudite enough at the moment to make a logical case either way, so I’ll just leave this Tom Lehrer song. It’s from 1965 and addresses this very subject :howyoudoin:

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One reason why pornography has become the default sex educator is because of this whole abstinence only sex education.

Have some proper sex education and stop making things taboo while educating on the prevention of negative consequence of sex (unwanted pregnancies, STD, etc.) will go a long way.

You know teen pregnancies are actually higher among minority populations in the US, because a lot of them are very conservative at heart. So no use of contraceptives, condoms, etc. leading to lots of unwanted babies, stunting educational and professional growth opportunities. However sex education in the US has been half hearted at best, even in so called “liberal” regions.

Another proof that there are really no liberals in the US. Democrats are just slightly less conservative republicans.


Good and bad.
Good - You don’t like conversing with people
Good - You’re ugly as sin and/or poor
Good - You’re trying to forget about that biotch Vanessa
Bad - You aint that large in the basement and feel inadequate
Bad - You think those noises are normal
Bad - You forget about that sweetheart Vanessa

I’ve found chaturbate to be a great source of solace during this lockdown…people need people.

Oh, shit. The endorphins are starting to kick in…

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maybe in Asia, certainly not in most of North America and probably not in most of Europe either

i remember putting condoms on cucumbers in high school and that was over 20 years ago; Canada has gotten more open minded since then

i think it will be more of a money issue than anything, or living in conservative states that make access to birth control and family planning more difficult

anyways, we’re moving off topic here. the point of the thread is to like the topic in the first post.

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License it. not the porn, the internet.

We don’t let people on the roads without being “trained” and insured. The internet is not a right. Sure, children steal cars once in a while, but not for very long. Biometric logins for transgressors. The internet should be regulated like a public space.

porn, social media, these are symptoms, the internet left to itself is the cause. Porn as been around almost as long as we’ve been bumping uglies.

a free internet (unrestricted, or no cost) is another topic that must exist on the forum. it is a good topic.

some have argued that internet access is indeed a human right, unlike driving which is a privilege

God, I hate it when people talk during sex.

i can never think of anything interesting to say