Free pornography, a discussion

Plenty of my girl friends don’t.


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Triple penetration is also a thing (non-gay)

I have a girl friend in TW who says she doesn’t watch porn or masturbate, and neither do her friends.

My ex watched porn a lot, yet never had masturbated.
(I’m as confused as you are.)

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Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition fan?

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Norwegian government beat you to it.

A few years ago there was a report that Canada was cracking down on porn sites- that were violating Canadian content laws (as well as violating closed captioning regulations)

I think especially egregious that the were cracking down on gay pornography sites- what, they weren’t wearing Mountie hats? Didn’t have maple leaf tattoos in strategic places? Exchange a few remarks about Hockey Night In Canada before getting down to business?

lack of gratuitous beaver shots

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Gays have always been the perfect scapegoat for all kinds of societal ills.

For example many Eastern European countries (like Poland) are doing what they can to limit LGBT rights, against EU regulations if they have to. There are increasingly more Trump like populist politicians who essentially wants a society where gays and lesbians, or anyone who do not fit into a particular mold eliminated.

In some culture (male) homosexuality is actually encouraged.

As I get older, I try not to see topics as black or white/ good or bad.

Porn has benefits like allowing people to explore their sexuality, live their fantasies in a safe situation, and just the freedom of choice.

But like most things, there are consequences. One major issue is child porn, it’s been a rampant issue on porn sites and it’s incredibly hard to crack down. Porn can def be addictive as well. And it’s becoming a common theme that young men can no longer sexually function with a real woman when they are used to porn. Women also feel pressured to do things they know their partners see in porn. I think it’s going to have major consequences for relationships for the younger generation.

So more gun related mass death you say?

One concerning issue that ties into this is recent findings from online dating such as tinder is that women do not find young men and men their own age attractive. Where as previously, most people often date their peers of the similar age, it seems online dating has made this age gap wider.

Some reasons include older men usually have more wealth. The pressure for men to provide that kind of Instagram lifestyle is huge now.

I think this is creating a situation where more and more young men are retreating from dating and sex life. They become addicted to porn and create a nasty cycle of not being able to sexually function with that kind of stimulation.


Those “some” cultures don’t tend to have majority Christian or Muslim populations unfortunately.

That’s… Very clever :astonished:

Ah right, maybe need to separate: “never ever has seen any” (probably few) Vs. “not regularly watching” (much more likely I guess).

But… Is this a topic friends openly discuss? Would they be honest about it, evwn in case they perceive it as something somehow shameful?

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I’m pretty open about it. But yeah some of my friends felt awkward when I talked about it. Though they eventually got curious and would ask a lot of questions. So I don’t think they were lying.

Plus, “never watched porn” doesn’t mean they’re naive or pure in any sense. Some of my friends part timed drawing dicks for yaoi mangas…

They’re just not that into it when it involves themselves. Probably something similar to the comment about how his girlfriends watch porn but never masturbate.

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I mean I’m a few years off from 30 and idk a single man my age or younger that wants to have a serious relationship.

I do think people form unrealistic expectations from porn though.

He’s only holding that flag coz he thinks it stands for Lamentable Geriatric Bigoted Thug :wink:

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Pretty sure he knows it means “the gays.”

Yes, Donald trump. An upstanding man of deep moral belief, just like everybody else (Morrissey told me to say that,)

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