Hello everybody!
Please come and join the first ever Resistance Stretching taster class in Taiwan!
Resistance Stretching is an exercise technique that makes use of opposing forces to stretch body parts with a slowly moving motion. It changes fascia tissues and re-trains movement patterns improving strength and flexibility in an effective and efficient way. The exercises are assigned a Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian and can be used to diagnose the tightness in each meridian as well as stimulate energy flow in them.
Physical pain due to limited flexibility can be safely removed and psychological and emotional scars can be treated in a sustainable way.
Resistance Stretching can benefit everybody, regardless of how flexible they are or whether they exercise regularly. Main benefits include natural joint and posture alignment, strengthening of core muscles, loosening of tight body parts, strengthening of weak muscles groups, promotion of metabolism, energising the body and mind, improved bowel movements, better sleep quality, etc.
Join me in this taster class to experience the effect Resistance Stretching can have on tight fascia tissues and start a new habit of your well-being!
Address: 300, Hsinchu City, East District, Minzu Road, 36號300新竹市東區民族路36號
Time: Thursday, Aug 9, 8pm-8.50pm
Cost: Free.
About the trainer: Chuen Tschi (William) discovered Resistance Stretching (RS) in 2013 when he was looking for ways to prevent his persistent knee worries.
He started to introduce Resistance Stretching to family and friends in 2015, running self-stretch classes, partner stretch sessions and private stretch sessions in his leisure time.
He had the opportunity to visit the Genius of Flexibility Centre in Boston, MA, USA once a year in 2015, 2016 and 2017 and learned from different elite trainers.
Chuen Tschi attended level 1 certification in New York, NY, USA in February 2016 and level 2 certification in Santa Barbara, CA, USA in April 2017.
He is convinced that RS can benefit many people with similar injuries and has started his life project “Stretch with Chuen” to promote and teach RS to local communities around the world.
Website: www.stretchwithchuen.org
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/2153834034942207/
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時間:禮拜四8月9日。20 - 20:50。
關於老師:均治(William)老師從2013年開始接觸肌力伸展。故我亦從2015年於英國愛丁堡大學開始傳授個人及夥伴肌力伸展;並於2016及2017年於美國參加了肌力伸展初階及進階課程,並取得認證(Level 1 and 2 certification)。
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/2153834034942207/