Free speech prevailed on that island! (Piano)

It was very fake outrage. He wasn’t really angry at all just shouting for effect

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It is not insane, it is just different. Life would go on without issue. And people would have more privacy.

I do not need the news to film people that do not want to be filmed. They can just write it down in the newspaper or read out what happened or show whatever they were allowed to film. I do not want news to show videos of people doing embarrassing or illegal things.

Also, people should not have home security cameras aimed at public spaces. Of course, filming and recording should be allowed in private spaces not aimed at public doorways or passages.

Ah ok well I disagree because I think that if you’re in public you should expect that people are observing you and that therefore you are being held to communal standard of behavior. This standard is upheld through public scrutiny and freedom of expression.

Of course like everything, there should be limits, but in general if you are in a public space you are choosing to interact within that public space and therefore are sacrificing a degree of privacy.

Otherwise you’d just end up back at protection against scrutiny. That would lead to greater corruption and increased social stratification.

Of course some level of digital rights is necessary but it should be a separate issue. For example if you take a photo of someone I public then Photoshop them onto an advertisement for a product, that would clearly be violating image rights. But the picture itself would be fine

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Yes of course, I understand. I value privacy over the benefits of public scrutiny, but I understand how others feel differently.

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Here is the probable reason why everything went south.


Not being of the same age was the issue? So, if they had been the same age, he could’ve had his way with her against her will if they had been the same age? Same age equals feel free to touch anything? Pork away!



This epic fail just keeps getting better, and is such a microcosm of China in the world today (wolf warrior diplomacy)

They would have been better off just keeping quiet and going about their business, but by making such a big deal of it they have just shot themselves in the foot.

I hope the ghost of Deng Xiaoping at least sees some of the humor in this


Nearly 9 million views in 8 days has also put some money in his hands. Well done, performance artists.


Chinese tourist group in England asks livestreamer not to post his video. Has opposite effect and now millions have viewed it. Story has made the news, etc. It gets interesting at around 10 minutes.


Is that #4 from you, @marasan? At least you chose the right thread!


I had no idea. Just ran across this story today.


It’s been on Taiwanese news channels a few times as well – for example, it was on Formosa TV a couple of hours ago. Anyone want to summarize the comments from Taiwanese people on the videos?

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That’s different to filming in public. Actually you have a right for your image not to be used commercially. And yes he did say something negative about them to the camera before the main incident started. If it was live streaming they would have heard that, so I partially agree with you. The part where the “CCP” guy messed up was trying to turn it into a sexual harassment and racist incident. It clearly wasn’t , but yeah she has the right to ask for her face not to be used commercially on a live stream.


I believe it was the first time I’d seen it posted on the forum. I’m guessing @marasan and I may have similar parts of the forum on mute …


I have nothing on mute, but a good number of threads I just never bothered with a good number more with hundreds of unread posts that I’ve given up on.

Anyway, I think this group of Chinese tourists messed with the wrong guy.


Imagine being from surveillence China and telling people in another country they cant film


Loved the way piano man stayed calm through the whole episode and then dismissed the bobby. Legend. :trophy:


That guy who kept repeating ‘don’t touch her’ was an unpleasant character huh.

Makes me remember a strange incident years ago at a local beach back home when a bunch of people with strange accents appeared out of nowhere and tried to communicate to me in broken English that I wasn’t allowed to surf cause they were ‘making a movie’.


This is worth watching as well…

That’s interesting, my friend sent me a link about a Doctor who was falsely accused of sexual harassment by some Chinese people in the UK.