Free Text based Multiplayer online ZOMBIE game

We need to set a meeting point for our main characters.

I"m out of Action points. When we do have everyone in one place, then we can move out.

Christ, they are all over the place and I couldn’t hit sweet fuck all. I went to the police station to see if I can find some more ammo but there wasn’t any. Down to one shot.

I printed out the map and will start heading south as soon as I get some rest.

So Lerwill Heights?

I’m still in the same place

So I managed to come a bit up, almost reached Kinch Heights before I run into 2 Zombies, fired 2 times with no success and hided now in the police station for rest. Will try to go further north as soon I can move again, but it is a long way. So I want to play it safe. :wink:

Any idea where in Lerwill Heights you want to meet? We should try to find a kind of base there first and if you want to start our acitvaty from that area we should make it safe. Getting our supplies there and secure the area and kill all Zombies around. There are alos 2 other groups activ there so would be not bad to get in contact with them.
There are 3 hospitals, 1 police station, 1 fire station and some schools and museums there. Also some pubs and arms. Not sure which would make the best headquater.

If you don’t want to setup the HQ there (as the neighbours might be a bit disturbing…) than we should consider where we want to start. I still have a long way to go anyway. :pray:

[quote=“Durins Bane”]Christ, they are all over the place and I couldn’t hit sweet f*ck all. I went to the police station to see if I can find some more ammo but there wasn’t any. Down to one shot.

I printed out the map and will start heading south as soon as I get some rest.[/quote]

it’s all based on percentages…you can search multiple times in one spot and each time you’ll have a chance at finding something. So if you didn’t find any ammo the first time…try and try again.

It’s all luck and percentages in the begining.

Yes, mingshah Lerwill Heights still seems to be our meeting point. Maybe we’ll shoot for meeting there Friday morning sometime. And then as a group we’ll be able to kill some zombies and get some good exp. As well as not being such an easy target for them (I got one guy who is down to 15hp heading to Lerwill).

Ok, but I am not sure if I can make it till friday morning. But I will join you guys for sure.

Is there any team name already?

I had a check on the map and I think the north-west corner is a good center. It has a hospital, a police station and a fire station.
The Morrish Motel would be in the center of that. What you think?
Anybody of the early guys can check that out?

I’m still at the hospital and I’m all out of jam. Will rest up and head south ASAP.

Mordeth, thanks for the heads up on the multiple search option. I thought I was rat-fucked when I didn’t find any ammo.

I have one shot left and I’m running the gauntlet. Back against the wall and my balls flopping in the wind. All that D&D experience is gonna come in handy.

I have one more dude…can we have two dudes working together?

Keep your head down out there and aim for the head, boys.

Remeber to speak loudly and clearly when we make contact…so I don’t mistake you for a zombie.


Ok, made it to Kinch Heights. Found some nice stuff like a fire axe and some shotgun shells (without having a shotgun :unamused: ). But it seems a fire axe can be a nice toy when you run out off ammo.
So watch out guys, I am coming, slowly but unstopable… :smiley:

I’m a zombie, but someone killed me already :cry:

So you are a dead undead? :smiley: But aren’t the dead becoming undead when they die, or are just survivery becoming undead when they die? :s

I knew he wasn’t as big or as fluffy as he pretended to be!

When a zombie “dies”…they are just immobilized for awhile…then they get back up. If you were a human to begin with you can be revived at certain places…best to check the Wiki for where.

I guess I am the first forumosan casualty. One point short of making it into a safe house. waited a half an hour and when I got back on I was smoked. :frowning:

Great learning experience.

Mivior (a firefighter) will be heading for the hook up place. I know where a zombie revive place is at.

Boys, always keep an AP in your pocket. My mistake was trying to get into a place that said" No visible way in". It cost me a couple of points and thus my life.

I made that fault too, just I got help from a LVL 20 guy who was in the next building. :smiley:

If you want to become human again:

And do something against your pale face, go and get some sun rays or so… :smiley:

You might have to wait awhile to be revived. With a level 1 char might just be better to start fresh. Especially now that you know some things.

[quote=“mingshah”]I made that fault too, just I got help from a LVL 20 guy who was in the next building. :smiley:

If you want to become human again:

And do something against your pale face, go and get some sun rays or so… :smiley:[/quote]

Nope, I’m a purist…dead is dead and I deserve it.

All of this chatter reminds me of my early days playing CS. Fuck, I miss clan action CS. Loved the mic and the rank system while playin with a clan [Blind] Elite Corps.

My hand is jacked now so I can’t play CS on the computer. I lack the dexterity in my left hand to reach the buttons. Grrrrrrr.

Great, you make your way up and than you end up in an area with either highly baricaded buildings, open streets or 14 zombies sitting in the police department. Some less in the fire station and the hospital. Just 1 AP left, trying to go slowly step by step and find an entrance. And that all in an “safe” area. :fume: